Feb 11, 2025  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Office of the Registrar

The Undergraduate Catalog

The provisions of the Undergraduate Catalog, also referred to as “the catalog,” are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract. The Trustees, Faculty and/or administration reserve the right to create, modify, or revoke University regulations and other information at any time without notification. A copy of the academic Policy and Procedures manual, and other information is located in the Office of the Registrar, and is also available online at www.charlestonsouthern.edu (under Academics click Registrar).

Catalog of Record

A student’s “catalog of record” is the catalog in effect when initial matriculation occurs. Students who are later accepted into the Teacher Education Program or the Nursing Program are subject to the catalog in effect at that time. Students who first declare or change their majors after initial matriculation are subject to the catalog in effect at the time of the change. Students who are readmitted to the University after an absence of two or more consecutive semesters are subject to the catalog in effect during the term of matriculation after readmission. Students may request to change to the most current catalog subject to the review and approval of the University Registrar.

Classification of Students

A regular student is one who has met all admission requirements and is pursuing a degree at Charleston Southern University. The class status of a regular student is as follows:

Freshman: A student who has earned up to 30 semester hours of acceptable college credit.
Sophomore: A student who has earned 31 to 60 semester hours of acceptable college credit.
Junior: A student who has earned 61 to 90 semester hours of acceptable college credit.
Senior: A student who has earned 91 to 125 (or more) semester hours of acceptable college credit.
Graduate: A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and is seeking a graduate degree.
Special: A student who is not accepted to pursue a degree or certification program.

Class Schedules

CSU provides class schedule information via our web site: www.charlestonsouthern.edu Visit academics from “MyCSU” on our Web site today for additional information.

Transfer Credit

Charleston Southern University (CSU) accepts transfer credit from other institutions of higher education based on the following considerations:

  1. the educational quality of the learning experience which the student transfers;
  2. the comparability of the nature, content, and level of the learning experience to that offered by CSU; and
  3. the appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered by CSU, in light of the student’s educational goals (i.e. choice of degree program).

The first of the above considerations primarily deals with accreditation. CSU will accept transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities with grades of “C” or better. The second and third of the above considerations deal with comparability and applicability of the transfer credit. CSU evaluates and awards transfer credit without regard to modes of delivery. CSU will not accept transfer credit while a student is suspended or permanently expelled for academic or disciplinary reasons.

Acceptable transfer credit will be classified as being (1) equivalent to a current CSU course; or (2) acceptable as a major/minor elective; or (3) acceptable for Liberal Arts Core, or (4) acceptable as general elective credit only. No more than 30 semester credit hours may be accepted as general elective credit. The University will not accept noncredit courses or remedial courses as transfer credit. Certain types of nontraditional credit may be recognized as transfer credit; described under “Nontraditional Credit.”

Limitations have been set for the maximum number of transfer hours as outlined below:

  1. Junior, community and technical colleges: 68 semester credit hours maximum,
    including all nontraditional credit accepted.
  2. Senior colleges and universities: 89 semester credit hours maximum, including any credit accepted from all other sources (including “I.” above, and all nontraditional credit accepted.)

Time Limitations on Credit

Some departments have established policies stating older courses may not be used to meet major or minor requirements, or their prerequisites. Older courses that are not required for one’s major or minor may be used to satisfy Liberal Arts Core requirements, or may be accepted as general electives.

The following departments have time limitations on credit: Time limit:
  Behavioral Sciences 10 years
  Business and Economics 10 years
  Computer and Information Sciences 10 years
  Criminal Justice 10 years
  Education 7 years
  Mathematics 5 years
  Physical Sciences 5 years

The following majors (and minors if applicable) are subject to the above departmental limitations:

  Business Administration (any emphasis), Criminal Justice, Economics, Psychology, Sociology 10 years
  Computer Science:  
    Computing courses 10 years
    Mathematics courses 5 years
  Education (all majors) 7 years
  Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics 5 years


Policy application guidelines:

  • The age of credit is established from the date classes begin for the term a student attends after being admitted or readmitted. The age of credit will be recalculated if the student leaves CSU for at least two consecutive semesters (fall and spring). If a student leaves the University for two consecutive semesters and later returns, the student is subject to the Undergraduate Catalog and regulations in effect at the time of matriculation.

Nontraditional Credit

Nontraditional credit at CSU includes CLEP, DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, CSU Challenge Exams, and credit from military experience. Other subject examinations not included here are subject to the review and approval of the academic Department Chairperson and the Registrar.

  1. General CLEP: (30 credit hours maximum)*
    Must be earned prior to matriculation at CSU (or other post secondary institutions if transferring to CSU). Exception: Honors Program students may elect to take general exams offered at CSU after matriculation but during their first semester.

Credit hours are awarded in each of the following five general areas:

English, Social Science and History, Natural Science, Humanities, Mathematics

There are 30 possible semester hours available through the general CLEP tests New freshmen who wish to earn college credit in the above five areas should
take the tests early so that scores can be received before matriculation at CSU. General CLEP credit will not be granted for exams taken after the date a
student matriculates as a student of record (Exception: exams offered at CSU to Honors Program (HP) students during their first semester). Grades of “P”
(PASS) will be awarded for General CLEP credit. No grade points will be assigned.

Distribution of General CLEP Credit

General CLEP Title:   General Electives: Liberal Arts Core:
English Composition(with or without Essay) 3 Hrs. = (none) ENGL 111 
Soc. Sci. & History 6 Hrs. = HIST 100  & HIST 101 (none)
College Mathematics 3 Hrs. = MATH 100  (none)
Natural Sciences 6 Hrs. = PHYS 100  & BIOL 100 
Humanities 6 Hrs. = Humanities 100 & ART 201 
TOTAL: 30 Hrs.    

* For all other CLEP Exams see “2.” below.

  1. CSU Challenge Exams, CLEP Subject Exams and other approved subject examinations: (18 credit hours maximum) These exams may be presented for credit any time with the exception of the term in which the student graduates, and are subject to the following limitations:
    1. A maximum of eight (8) hours may be earned in one’s major.
    2. A maximum of four (4) hours may be earned in one’s minor.
    3. A maximum of twelve (12) hours may be earned in the areas of liberal arts core and general electives.

      Note: Credit will not be approved for a subject exam that has already been attempted as a course, and a grade received (including grades of “F,” “FA,” “I,” “WP,” “W,” “WF,” and “AU” (audit). See complete policy on the back of the “Standardized Subject Examination Request Form.”
  2. Military Credit: (13 credit hours maximum for general experience)
    Must be documented by submission of any of the following:

    DD-295 form, DD-214 form, Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript, Army/ACE Registry Transcript Service (AARTS), or other approved documentation. Also see number “6.” below
  3. Advanced Placement (AP): Credit for Advanced Placement will be awarded according to the current listing maintained by the Office of the Registrar. The list will be revised and updated as needed by the Registrar with the approval of the appropriate academic department chairperson(s). No limit has been set for the maximum number of hours CSU will accept from AP credit. The amount of AP credit accepted, however, falls under the limitation in provision “I.” under “Classification of Acceptable Transfer Credit” above. CSU accepts for exemption or credit the scores of 3, 4 or 5 (see listing) on tests taken in approved subject areas in the AP Program. The grade of “P” (Pass) will be assigned to all AP credit accepted for credit. No grade points will be assigned.
  4. IB Credit: The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is an advanced level two-year curriculum offered to high school students at select high schools. To receive credit students must have official examination results sent to Enrollment Services at Charleston Southern University.

    CSU will accept IB credit from students who present scores of “5,” “6” or “7” on their Higher Level (HL) examinations according to the current listing maintained by the Registrar. All acceptable IB courses are approved by the appropriate academic chairperson. Credit is not awarded for “Standard Level” work.

    While there is no specific limit on the number of credit hours we will award for IB courses, this nontraditional credit is subject to our general transfer credit policy (see above). Students will not be awarded duplicate credit in the event acceptable scores for the same subject are presented from Advanced Placement or other subject examinations.
  5. Special Programs: Additional credit may be awarded for certain degree programs. For example, see the BMA and Criminal Justice degree programs in this catalog.

CSU Challenge Exams

The University has a program by which a current student might be permitted to “challenge” a course listed in the current catalog unless the course description indicates otherwise. A Challenge Exam is a special final exam given by the appropriate department. Departmental chairpersons reserve the right to approve or disapprove
challenge exam requests on a case by case basis.

If an acceptable standardized subject exam is available, such as a CLEP Subject exam, students should consider this alternative for possible credit rather than taking a Challenge Exam. This is because Challenge Exams must be recorded as a letter grade and will be calculated in your GPA. This includes any letter grade you may receive (“A” through “F”). This credit is subject to provision “2.” under “Nontraditional Credit” above.
For information on taking CLEP Subject Examinations, contact the Office of the Registrar or the Student Success Center.

CSU “Student of Record” Attending Another Institution

If you are a current student of record at CSU and plan to take a course at another institution during any term, you must receive prior permission. To receive permission
you must complete either a “Request to Take Courses at Another Institution” form or a “Cross Registration Form.” Students may request permission to earn credit (hours only) at approved out-of-town institutions when our fall and spring semesters are not in session, and the student’s permanent address is outside the greater Charleston area. Local resident students must attend CSU unless permission is given to earn credit at a local institution due to special circumstances.

Should you fail to attain prior permission before attending another institution, the credit may not be transferred into CSU. Only courses in which credit has been earned while
attending CSU may be counted toward satisfying residency requirements. See “Residency Requirements” in this catalog.

Credit Earned at CSU while in High School

Outstanding high school students have the opportunity of earning college credit at Charleston Southern University prior to graduation. Up to 12 semester hours may be earned with special permission after one’s junior year in high school. Contact Enrollment Services for details.

Academic Load

Fall and Spring Semesters

By academic definition, a full-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for twelve (12) or more credit hours during a fall or spring semester, and a full-time graduate student is one who is enrolled for six (6) or more graduate credit hours. The normal load for graduate students is six (6) to nine (9) graduate credit hours. An undergraduate student’s normal load is fifteen (15) to seventeen (17) credit hours. For undergraduate students, permission must be obtained to enroll in 19 - 21 hours from one of the following:

  1. Director of Student Success, or
  2. University Registrar, or
  3. Academic Dean of the student’s major

The maximum undergraduate course load allowed in any semester is twenty-one (21) hours. Any exception to this must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Graduate students enrolling in more than nine (9) hours per semester must obtain the permission of the graduate director of their program.

Note: Tuition charges are determined annually and are listed in the catalog.


The maximum course load allowed during “Maymester” (session held during the month of May) is four (4) credit hours for undergraduate or graduate students. No exceptions.

Summer Sessions

The normal academic load for each summer session is two courses or six semester hours. The maximum course load allowed in each summer term is seven (7) credit hours. Any exception to this must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


  1. By the act of enrollment:
    1. The student is responsible for all coursework.
    2. The student is expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes, laboratories, convocations, and assemblies in accordance with CSU requirements.
      Note: Courses delivered in part or fully online have special requirements. Consult the department and/or the instructor for details.
  2. The instructor will automatically drop the student from a class with a grade of “FA” (Failure for Absences) when the student has missed 25 percent of the class meetings (excluding the Final Exam Period), as listed in the instructor’s course syllabus. This includes all classes scheduled during the “drop/add” period at the beginning of the term, and any classes missed due to late registration. The example below shows the number of absences for typical classes, except Bridge courses, during the fall and spring semesters. The following reflects the number of absences at which you will receive the grade of “FA”:
Classes meeting three times per week 11
Classes meeting two times per week 7
Classes meeting one time per week 4
Accelerated classes 6

Professors in 300 and 400 level courses may suspend the Attendance Policy.

  1. Bridge Program - for the courses listed below:
    MATH 099 , ENGL 099  and companion course GNED 107 , the following policy regarding absences applies:
Classes meeting five times per week 10
Classes meeting three times per week 7
Classes meeting two times per week 5
Classes meeting one time per week 3
  1. An absence is defined as nonattendance for any reason, whether illness, emergency or official leave.
  2. Three instances of tardiness are equal to one absence.
  3. When the instructor’s records indicate a student has reached 25 percent, the instructor will inform the Office of the Registrar using form RO-116 (Notice of Excessive Absences), so that the student and appropriate CSU departments will receive notification regarding the “FA”.
  4. Because there are many possible variations in the number of meeting times in a course (especially during Maymester and summer), students should check the course syllabus for specific details regarding attendance.
  5. Graduate students taking undergraduate prerequisites are subject to the above attendance policy.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Annual Notification of Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The appropriate University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend a record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting school officials in performing legitimate tasks including assignments while working under any College Work-Study (CWS) program agreement. A school official has a legitimate interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the University may disclose records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Information may be disclosed to parents of dependent children enrolled at CSU if the student is under 23 years of age and is listed as a dependent on the parent’s federal tax return. Our procedure is to verify the student’s “dependent status” through our financial aid office or by requiring documentation before information is released.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Charleston Southern University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
    The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

FERPA Notice of Directory Information Policy

The University has designated certain information contained in the educational records of its students as directory information pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This information is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information at Charleston Southern University includes, but is not limited to:

  • name, address, telephone listing, e-mail address
  • date and place of birth
  • field(s) of study
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • weight and height of student-athletes
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees and awards received
  • photographs
  • most recent previous school attended
  • enrollment status (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate)

Directory information cannot include a student’s social security number, student ID number, race/ethnicity or gender. Directory information may be disclosed by the University for any purpose considered legitimate without student consent. Students have the right, however, to refuse the disclosure of any or all of the information designated as directory information. Students refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed without consent must submit written notification to the Office of the Registrar. To properly enforce a refusal request, written notification should be filed no later than one week from the beginning of a term in which a student has enrolled. However, refusal notifications will be accepted, processed and enforced as soon as possible anytime they are received. Careful consideration should be given before any disclosure refusal is submitted. The University’s enforcement of a refusal notification may have unexpected or undesirable ramifications.

Academic Integrity Policy

A Community of Honor

As a liberal arts university committed to the Christian faith, Charleston Southern University seeks to develop ethical men and women of disciplined, creative minds and lives that focus on leadership, service, and learning. The Honor System of Charleston Southern University is designed to provide an academic community of trust in which students can enjoy the opportunity to grow both intellectually and personally. For these purposes, the following rules and guidelines will be applied.

Academic Dishonesty

“Academic Dishonesty” is the transfer, receipt, or use of academic information, or the attempted transfer, receipt, or use of academic information in a manner not authorized by the instructor or by university rules. It includes, but is not limited to, cheating and plagiarism as well as aiding or encouraging another to commit academic dishonesty.

“Cheating” is defined as wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information or material borrowed from another source, including the Internet, by a student with the intent of aiding himself or another on academic work. This includes, but is not limited to a test, examination, presentation, experiment or any written assignment, which is considered in any way in the determination of the final grade.

“Plagiarism” is the taking or attempted taking of an idea, a writing, a graphic, music composition, art or datum of another without giving proper credit and presenting or attempting to present it as one’s own. It is also taking written materials of one’s own that have been used for a previous course assignment and using it without reference to it in its original form.

Students are encouraged to ask their instructor(s) for clarification regarding their academic dishonesty standards. Instructors are encouraged to include academic dishonesty/integrity standards on their course syllabi.

For more information on procedures and violation appeals, refer to the Student Handbook.

Final Grades

Grading System Computed in Grade Point Average (GPA)?
A Excellent YES
B+ Very Good YES
B Good YES
C+ Above Average YES
C Average/Fair YES
D Poor, Passing YES
F Failure YES
FA Failure for Absence YES
FD Failure due to Academic Dishonesty YES
I Incomplete YES
P Pass NO
WP Withdrawn Passing NO
W Withdrawn (prior to Midterm) NO
WF Withdrawn Failing YES
S Satisfactory Progress NO
AU Audit* NO

*Note: The grade of “AU” (AUDIT) is assigned, and no grade points or credit hours are awarded for students “auditing” a class. The intent to audit a class must be indicated on a registration form and submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the end of the drop/add period for each term or session. Students who register to “audit” a course may not seek to obtain credit for that course after the last date of drop/add. Regular tuition and/or fees for the course apply.

Supplementary grade codes (not considered academic grades):

NR Not Reported (pending) – No affect on GPA
NC No Credit (typically used for transfer credit not granted) – No affect on GPA
WIP Work in Progress, or registered for a future term

For the purpose of computing a Grade Point Average (GPA), grade points per credit hour are assigned as follows:

A=   4.0 points
B+=   3.5 points
B=   3.0 points
C+=   2.5 points
C=   2.0 points
D=   1.0 point
All other grades  = 0 points

Note: GPA is derived from credit attempted at Charleston Southern University only. GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of applicable credit hours.

Midterm Grades

The following grades are assigned as Midterm grades:

A, B, C, D, F, FA, I, W

Note: Students in “Pass/Fail” classes may receive grades of “P” (Pass).
Midterm grades are not assigned grade points and do not affect GPA. They are used simply as a progress indicator after midterm of the fall and spring semesters.

Incomplete Grade

A grade of “I” is assigned when, for a reason approved by the professor of the course, a student has been unable to complete the course by the time it concludes. Responsibility for resolving the “incomplete” rests with the student. The grade must be removed before midterm the following semester. If not, the “incomplete” automatically becomes an “F” at midterm of the following semester (fall or spring).

Grade Changes/Appeals

Based on individual student circumstances, a professor may change a grade within the six-months period following the end of the course. Between six months and one year, both the professor and the department head must approve the grade change. After one year, the Vice President for Academic Affairs must also approve the grade change. A grade change after one year must be due to clerical error. If a student wishes to appeal a final grade awarded by a professor or instructor, please refer to the Student Handbook.

Repeating a Course

Students may repeat any course taken at Charleston Southern University in which they have earned a previous grade. However, the University limits the number of times students may attempt a credit-earning course to three, and the number of times students may attempt a remedial, noncredit course to two. All attempts (or repeats) count, including those with grades of “W,” “WP,” “WF” and “FA.” A course may not be repeated within the same semester (i.e., taking an accelerated course within a semester). For students accepted into The Bridge Program, the attempts to earn a passing grade in the remedial courses must be consecutive. (For more information, these students may refer to the information listed under the The Bridge Program in this catalog.)

Any requests to appeal this policy are treated on a case by case basis. Such appeals must be submitted to the University Registrar in writing, and will be heard by the Admissions Committee.

Note: Some academic departments require certain courses to be taken in numerical sequence. Taking a lower level course in the sequence (for the first time at CSU)
after credit has been earned in a higher level course (at Charleston Southern University or transferred from another institution) in the sequence is not permitted in certain majors and/or minors. Refer to the information about your major and/or minor in the appropriate section of this catalog.

Transcript Fee

The fee for each transcript request is $5.00. In the event a student requests that a transcript be (1) generated for mailing and (2) generated for faxing, it is considered to be two requests. Fax requests require the generation of a transcript on special “Fax-Safe” paper and are subject to a separate $5.00 processing fee. A transcript cannot be processed and released for a student with a “hold” on their records from any CSU office. Once all holds are removed, students who have requested transcripts must notify the Transcript Specialist in the Office of the Registrar to process any transcript requests which were denied due to the hold(s).

Transcripts received from other institutions become the property of Charleston Southern University and will not be released or copied for third parties. Any exception to this must be approved by the University Registrar, with the student’s written consent.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), Academic Probation, Suspension & Expulsion


A student will be placed in a probationary status after any major term (fall, spring) that his/her GPA does not meet the following Satisfactory Academic Progress scale (GPA is not “rounded up”):

Hours Attempted* Cumulative GPA
1-30 1.4
31-60 1.8
61-90 1.9
91 or more 2.0

*Note: Hours attempted for SAP purposes include all credit attempted at CSU, all transfer credit and all nontraditional credit awarded.

Probation will not be applied to Maymester, Summer I or Summer II (minor terms). While a student cannot be placed on probation as a result of coursework in a minor term, he/she can remove a probation status as a result of coursework completed in a minor term. To remove a probationary status in a minor term, a student must take the courses in residence at Charleston Southern University (CSU).

Once a student has been placed on probation 1 or 2, the probation cannot be removed by taking classes at another institution. However, students serving probation may request permission to earn credit (hours only) at approved out-of-town institutions when our fall and spring semesters are not in session, and the student’s permanent address is outside the greater Charleston area. Local resident students must attend CSU unless permission is given to earn credit at a local consortium institution due to special circumstances. Appropriate forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.


When placed on probation, a student has two consecutive major terms in which to meet the “satisfactory progress” requirements. Failure to do so results in academic suspension. A student suspended for academic reasons will not be permitted to attend CSU for six months. A student who served academic suspension may return to CSU, and will be automatically placed on probation 2.

Once a student has been placed on suspension, he/she may not remove the suspension status by taking courses at another institution. If the student takes courses at another institution while suspended, they will not be transferred into CSU. A student wishing to return after having been suspended must complete an Application for Admission (for readmission approval), with Enrollment Services.


After returning from academic suspension, a student will have one major semester to meet the satisfactory academic progress scale. Failure to do so results in permanent expulsion from the University.

Class Cancellation/Withdrawals

Class Cancellation

A class may be canceled if its enrollment is ruled insufficient by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Withdrawal From a Course

Once registered, a student is removed from a class role with no grade recorded, if the class is dropped before the last date to drop/add a class for that term. After the last date to add a class, grades are recorded even if one withdraws.

A student may not change the status of a course to “AUDIT” after the last date to drop/add a class. A student who drops all courses during a major semester must complete the procedure for withdrawal from the University.

See the Academic Calendar  for deadline dates in the front of this catalog.

Withdrawal From the University

A Withdrawal Form must be completed online to officially withdraw from CSU. The form is found in the “Student” section of “MyCSU” under “Forms.” Students must first login using their student ID’s and PIN’s. Students are responsible for appropriate tuition and fees for all courses attempted, regardless of grades assigned. Note that all financial and university property obligations must be satisfied to prevent “holds” from being placed against the student’s academic records. Such holds normally prevent transcript requests from being processed, and can prevent future registration for classes. Other holds may apply.

CSU wishes to have student input regarding reasons for withdrawal, including any problems that may have caused the withdrawal decision. This information is requested during the online withdrawal process. Students may be contacted as part of an effort to improve student services.

Withdrawal By Request of the University

Charleston Southern University reserves the right to require the withdrawal of a student whose conduct, general attitude, or influence is considered harmful to the University. Such administrative withdrawals or suspensions are generally handled through the Dean of Students Office.

Undergraduate Sessions


Charleston Southern University operates on the semester system with two semesters, one in the fall and one in the spring.


Charleston Southern University inaugurated an addition to its academic program known as “Maymester.” This program of study during the month of May enables a student to work on a special/advanced topic or regular catalog course and earn up to four hours of credit.

Summer Sessions

There are two summer sessions lasting five weeks each. Both day and evening,
graduate and undergraduate classes are offered.

Accelerated Evening Sessions during the Fall and Spring Semesters

These sessions are designed especially to meet the needs of working adults and other students who desire to earn a college degree in the evening. Students attend evening classes three nights per week for seven weeks (maximum of two classes per night). With two sessions per semester, and a minimum of twelve credit hours per semester, students may qualify for full-time status and full-time financial aid benefits. For more information, call 863-7525.

Accelerated Sessions – BMA Degree Program

The Bachelor of Management Arts (B.M.A.) degree is a degree completion program offered to adult learners 23 years of age and older who are considered to be non-traditional students desiring a degree in business management. All courses (with the exception of Math 105) are offered in 7 week courses.  (Please see Management Arts Major section in the course catalog for more details.) 

Requirements For the Dean’s List

At the end of the fall and spring semesters the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs prepares a list of students with at least 12 credit hours (earned) who have a 3.5 Grade Point Average or above for that semester. For the purpose of calculating Grade Point Average (GPA) for the Dean’s List, all coursework taken at Charleston Southern University will be included, and the calculation will be cumulative.

Honors Program

The Honors Program, designed to challenge and encourage the most academically distinguished students at CSU, combines academics with a variety of cultural and social activities. The program is open to approximately forty new students each year and candidates normally enter as freshmen, though current students and transfer students whose transcripts indicate progress and performance consistent with CSU Honors Program standards are eligible to apply. The notation of successful completion of the Honors Program on a transcript often provides an advantage for both employment and graduate school application.

Incoming students with an SAT score of 1200 or higher (or an ACT score of 27 or higher) and a high school GPA of 3.5 may be eligible for participation in the Honors Program. Current students and transfer students are encouraged to apply if they have not completed more than their freshman year, and their college transcripts show evidence of sustained academic excellence (a 3.5 GPA earned in no more than 30 hours of coursework, including credit for English 111 , English 112 , and the Math core requirement).

During the freshman year students must successfully complete the Honors Seminar offered in the fall semester and at least two Liberal Arts Core courses under Honors instruction. The first-year Honors Seminar (GNED 102-50) requirement may be waived for students who enter the program after their freshman year; if necessary, these students may also substitute Honors Credit in major, minor, or core classes for the Honors Liberal Arts Core courses. During the sophomore year students must successfully complete the Honors Seminar on Ethics and Leadership offered in the spring semester. During the sophomore, junior, and senior years students must obtain “Honors” credit in a minimum of 18 credit hours (total for all years), of which at least 12 credit hours must be in their designated field of study. In addition, the student will complete a Senior Honors Project during the senior year. To remain in the Honors Program students must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester, unless the Honors Program Council grants an exception, and maintain high academic standing with the university as evidenced by their cumulative GPA. The GPA requirements are as follows:

Hours attempted Cumulative GPA
30 3.2
60 3.3
90 3.4
125 3.5

All admissions to the program are based on the decision of the Honors Program Council, who will notify candidates of their acceptance into the program. Students wishing to apply should submit a letter of application to the Director of the Honors Program, c/o the Office of Enrollment Services.

Graduation Information and Requirements

Applications for Graduation and Degree Checks

A student who intends to graduate must contact the Office of the Registrar to initiate the graduation process. The process provides for two degree checks. The first degree check should occur once they have earned between 61 hours and 91 hours. The second and mandatory final degree check is required after the student is preregistered for their last semester. Students must complete an Application for Graduation available from the Office of the Registrar.

Commencement Awards

Each year at the Commencement Ceremony, these awards are made to outstanding graduates who meet the requirements.

The John Barry Christian Scholar Award

Presented each spring to the graduating senior who has achieved the highest scholastic ratio and who, in the judgment of the faculty, evidences the greatest promise for future scholarship.

The Myrtle K. Hamrick Award

A medal is awarded annually to the Charleston Southern University female graduate who possesses the highest virtues of Christian womanhood.

The Hunter Cup

The Hunter Cup is presented to a member of the graduating class who has best served the university and whose character, scholarship and athletic ability are deemed outstanding.

Graduation with Honors

Students who earn a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.9 - 4.0 will graduate Summa Cum Laude. Students who earn a GPA of 3.75 - 3.89 will graduate Magna Cum Laude. Students who earn a GPA of 3.50 - 3.74 will graduate Cum Laude.

To be eligible for graduation with honors, at least 60 hours of the coursework to be applied to the degree must have been earned at Charleston Southern University. For the purpose of calculating Grade Point Average (GPA) for graduation with honors, all coursework taken at Charleston Southern University will be included, and the calculation will be cumulative.


All full-time day students are required to attend Chapel as a requirement for graduation. See the Student Development/Activities section in this catalog.

Bachelor Degree

A student will be eligible for graduation upon successful completion of at least 125 credit hours (some programs require more), including all liberal arts core, major and minor requirements, with a minimum of a 2.0 overall Grade Point Average (GPA), a 2.0 GPA in the major and a 2.0 in the minor. Only credit earned with grade points will be included in these calculations. Courses included in this calculation are those which are listed in the catalog as Major/Minor Studies, Major/Minor Electives, or Professional Education. Required and/or suggested courses listed as Prerequisites, Liberal Arts Core, Required Supporting Studies, and Suggested or Recommended Electives will not be calculated in the Major or Minor GPA for graduation purposes. However, in the event the Major/Minor requirements state that certain Liberal Arts Core courses are considered a part of the Major/Minor, those courses will be included in the GPA calculation.

Residency Requirements must also be met (see below). Some departments have a requirement that all credit earned in one’s major and/or minor must have minimum grades of “C.” Refer to the appropriate section of this catalog for specific major/minor requirements.

Residency Requirements

Baccalaureate Degrees: All Baccalaureate Degree programs, including the Bachelor of Technology, require that 36 of the last 46 credit hours must be earned at Charleston Southern University to satisfy residency. All students must take at least twelve credit hours of upper level (300-400) courses in the major, or 15 upper level credit hours in the cognate for the Bachelor of Technology Degree program. At least six credit hours of upper level courses are required in the minor (when a minor is required), and eighteen additional credit hours in major, minor, liberal arts core or electives at Charleston Southern University.*

Special Courses

Applied Learning Experience (APPLE)

CSU offers structured educational experiences through its Applied Learning Experience (APPLE) program. These educational experiences integrate academic studies with learning through productive work experiences. The APPLE program is a planned work experience under the supervision of the Career Planning and Student Employment director and an APPLE Committee. Academic credit is granted to each student successfully completing an approved experience. Check the course description in the General Education (GNED) section of this catalog for more information.

Application forms for general elective credit for APPLE experiences may be obtained from the Career Planning and Student Employment office.


Some of the academic programs at CSU offer special internship opportunities. Check the upper-level course descriptions for your major and/or minor in the appropriate section of this catalog for more information.

Special Topic Courses

Undergraduate offerings:

280.* Special Topic (1-4). Course topics and prerequisites announced in advance. May be repeated for credit when topic changes, with the consent of the department chairperson.

480.* Advanced Special Topic (1-4). Course topic and prerequisites announced in advance. May be repeated for credit when topics change, with consent of department chairperson.

*Note: The Registrar reserves the right to assign course numbers 280 – 285 for Special Topic courses, and 480 – 485 for Advanced Special Topic courses as needed on a case by case basis.

Advanced Study Courses

Academically superior students may qualify to pursue advanced study in their major or minor discipline. Students seeking to enroll in an advanced study course should consult with their faculty advisor and the Department Chairperson to determine their eligibility and the procedure for enrolling.