Feb 11, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education

Location: H. C. Wingo Hall Suite 201

Dr. George Metz, Dean of the School of Education
Mrs. Kimberly Baggs, Director of Teaching Fellows Program
Mrs. Beth Livingston, Coordinator of Field and Clinical Experiences
Ms. Melissa Headrick, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Dean and the Director of Graduate Studies in Education

Professional Program in Teacher Education Faculty

Richard Blanchard, Jr., Instructor
Dr. Donald Clerico, Professor
Dr. Robin K. Franklin, Associate Professor and Early/Elementary Coordinator
Dr. Patricia Hambrick, Professor
Dr. Linda Karges-Bone, Professor
Dr. Blake Lineberger, Assistant Professor
Mrs. Brenda Marques, Assistant Professor
Dr. Cynthia M. Putman, Associate Professor
Dr. Melanie G. Reynolds-Murphy, Assistant Professor, Graduate Studies Program Coordinator
Dr. Kari Lee Siko, Associate Professor and P-12/ Secondary Coordinator
Dr. Reba Yarborough, Assistant Professor

Vision and Mission

The School of Education has as its vision the preparation and sustained development of candidates who are “called to serve as competent, caring educators committed to student success.”   Candidates who are called to the education profession accept the ethical responsibility to practice and model integrity and Christian values in creating safe and effective learning environments for all students. Competent educators learn continuously and systematically to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions to create and manage supportive learning environments that result in increased student learning. Caring educators who are taught to see the connections between their daily work and Christian faith serve sensitively and effectively in their roles as educators. They intentionally view their lives as a form of Christian service and strive to provide the best environments to meet the diverse needs of all students and the broader educational community.    Educators who are committed to student success are advocates for children— learning, leading and serving in ways that support the entire educational community in its pursuit of quality education and increased learning for all.

 The primary mission of the School of Education is to prepare professional educators who, guided by a strong sense of community and the integration of their faith, are academically strong, pedagogically skilled, and morally committed to educating in a wide range of culturally diverse learning environments. We strive to be a School of Education where faculty, staff and students are engaged in significant collaborative work and ongoing involvement and service in the public schools to improve education. We seek to inspire educators to value learning as well as the learner as they serve as teachers and leaders in culturally diverse learning environments.    We encourage candidates to see the connections between their daily work and Christian faith so that they will not only have the content knowledge, skills and dispositions that they need to be successful in a career but also they will be able to view their whole lives as a form of ministry.   The SOE mission is reinforced in the liberal arts core curriculum, professional education courses, clinical settings, content specialty courses and other extracurricular candidate experiences (e.g., chapel, Future Teachers Society, Student ASCD, service projects, mission programs etc.). Our mission is fulfilled through the following undergraduate programs:  Biology Education, Early Childhood, Elementary, English Education, Mathematics Education, Middle Grades, Physical Education PK-12, and Choral and Instrumental Music PK-12 and Social Studies Education.  Graduate program offerings are described in the CSU Graduate Catalog.

Conceptual Framework Standards and Evidence Indicators/Objectives for Undergraduate Education Programs

The School of Education at Charleston Southern University operates within a unified conceptual framework to prepare candidates who are called to be Competent, Caring and Committed Educators.  The conceptual framework guides all our undergraduate and graduate programs, syllabi, teaching, service, scholarship, assessment, and unit accountability. Collaboratively developed both institutionally and within the School of Education’s greater educational community, the framework constitutes what we believe to be a highly qualified professional who will contribute positively and productively to programs and practices that are in the best interest of students and the broader community. Three major standards across all programs comprise the conceptual framework and support the unit’s programs and actions. These standards assessed by specific performance indicators are aligned to the standards of professional organizations (INTASC, CAEP); state curriculum standards, South Carolina assessment standards (ADEPT); and the unit’s vision and mission as outlined in the CSU School of Education Undergraduate Handbook. All programs are recognized or accredited by their respective specialty association (NAEYC, ACEI, NCTE, NCTM, NASPE, NASM).  The School of Education at Charleston Southern University is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accrediation of Education Providers (CAEP).

Listed below are the standards and performance indicators for the Undergraduate Education Programs.

  1. The Competent educator demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to create and manage supportive learning environments that result in expected student achievement. To this end, the candidate:
    1. Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the content area of specialization and the application of pedagogical content knowledge.
    2. Demonstrates an understanding of professional knowledge and general pedagogical principles inherent in effective teaching and/or leading.
    3. Understands how students learn and develop and is able to provide learning opportunities that foster optimal development across all domains.
    4. Understands how students differ and demonstrates the ability to provide learning opportunities adapted to diverse learning needs resulting in increased student learning.
    5. Uses formal and informal assessment strategies appropriate to the learning outcomes to inform choices about student progress and adjust instruction to ensure the continuous development of the learner.
    6. Uses multiple teaching strategies and methods of inquiry that are central to the discipline/content area and to encourage students in critical thinking and problem solving.
    7. Uses an understanding of individual and group motivation to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, engagement in learning and self-motivation.
    8. Uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication, media and other strategies to facilitate active inquiry and cooperative interactions in the classroom.
    9. Integrates the planning, instruction management and assessment of students using technology, methods, and strategies that align curriculum to instruction and assessment and result in increased student learning.
  2. The caring and reflective educator relates effectively and sensitively to the diverse needs of learners and creates a positive and productive learning environment through ongoing inquiry and reflection. To this end, the candidate:
    1. Possesses knowledge of self and the disposition to participate in reflective practice.
    2. Uses knowledge of different cultural contexts within the community (socioeconomic, ethnic, and cultural) to create a learning environment that respects individual differences.
    3. Assesses the effects of classroom activities on individuals and groups through observation, communication and reflection on teaching/managing strategies.
    4. Communicates effectively and sensitively in collaborative working relationships with students, parents, colleagues, agencies and members of the community to promote student success.
  3. The committed educator pursues learning experiences individually and collaboratively thereby demonstrating a true commitment to the profession and to seeking the best educational practices for ensuring success for all students. To this end, the candidate:
    1. Articulates an educational platform grounded in an ethical belief system and further understands the cultural, social and political contexts of schools and school systems.
    2. Assumes responsibility for student learning relating sensitively to the diverse needs of all learners, indicating high expectations for their success.
    3. Seeks professional growth experiences based on systematic inquiry and a continual assessment of personal and professional knowledge, skills and dispositions.
    4. Holds high standards for personal performance and is an active participant in the continual improvement of education through collaborative efforts and shared decision-making based on best practices and research.

Upon completion of the program, candidates who are called to serve as competent, caring, and committed individuals will possess the knowledge, performance behaviors, and dispositions to meet the ever-changing social, emotional, and academic needs of diverse children and youth. The program offers educational experiences which allow future teachers to exhibit confidence and effectiveness as teachers in the classroom. It is also the intention of the program to foster leadership and responsibility in candidates as they begin to see themselves as members of the larger educational community.

Further, with a sound foundation in values and ethics, graduates will have the skills to view the diversity of the world and realize the need for tolerance and understanding. An underlying goal of the program is for its graduates to realize that learning is a lifelong commitment and that the continuous acquisition of content knowledge and constant upgrading of effective teaching methods are imperative for excellence in teaching. Once these candidates have become practitioners, the unit offers graduates study in elementary and advanced certification in elementary and secondary educational administration. Descriptions of the graduate programs are available in the Graduate Catalog, 2010-2011, of Charleston Southern University.

The School of Education offers undergraduate majors in Early Childhood Education (PreK-3), Elementary Education (2-6), Music Education - Choral and Instrumental (PreK-12), Middle Grades (5-8) Physical Education (PreK-12), English Education (9-12), Biology Education (9-12), Social Studies Education (9-12) and Mathematics Education (9-12). All of these programs, which lead toward South Carolina certification, are outlined in the TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS section.

Candidates who have prior criminal convictions may be ineligible for licensure. Such individuals should contact the Dean and, if needed, the Office of Teacher Education, Certification and Evaluation of the South Carolina Department of Education before beginning coursework in teacher education to ascertain if they will be eligible for a teaching certificate.

Professional Dispositions are an integral part of the teacher education program at Charleston Southern University. All teacher candidates are expected to exhibit appropriate dispositions in and out of the classroom. To this end, the School of Education maintains the following general process concerning dispositions.

Referral Policy

Candidates exhibiting behaviors that are in opposition to the SOE Dispositions and, as applicable, to the CSU Student Code of Conduct, will be subject to the following responses by the SOE Faculty:

  1. Initial Encounter - the faculty member and candidate will meet and discuss areas of opportunities for growth and adherence to the Dispositions and classroom performance expectations outlined in course syllabus. SOE Faculty member will document this meeting/discussion.
  2. Referral - If the candidate’s behaviors do not show improvement after the initial encounter, the faculty member, in consultation with the candidate, will develop an action plan for the candidate to take for immediate corrective measures to address the concerns in the referral. A signed copy of the referral will be submitted to the Dean’s office.
  3. Serious infraction- If the candidate is involved in a serious infraction of the CSU Student Code of Conduct or behaviors contradictory to the SOE Dispositions immediate action by the TEC and the Dean will occur, including possible dismissal from the program.
  4. Multiple referrals - if a candidate has multiple referrals during progression through the program, the candidate will be required to meet with the TEC in a formal meeting to discuss behaviors and failure to adhere to expectations.
  5. Teacher Education Committee [TEC] Action - the TEC will meet to discuss the candidate’s situation and recommend action by the Dean. As appropriate, the Dean of Students will be notified of situations violating the CSU Code of Conduct.

 The School of Education adheres to the following grading scale for all EDUC courses:

A= 93-100
B+= 90-92
B= 85-89
C+= 82-84
C= 77-81
D= 70-76
F 70

School of Education Transfer Policy

The Charleston Southern University (CSU) Transfer Policy holds.  In addition, there are specific transfer policies effective in the School of Education (SOE).  SOE policies are as follows:

1) Only courses newer than seven years old may be eligible for transfer.

2) EDUC 201 Principles and Philosophy of Education may be transferred from a CAEP/NCATE-accredited institution.  The syllabus must indicate the transfer course is similar in content, rigor and field experience.  A “B” or better must have been earned for the course to transfer to CSU, and the student must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

3) EDUC 313 Introduction to Human Growth and Development may be transferred from a CAEP/NCATE-accredited institution.  The syllabus must indicate the transfer course is similar in content and rigor.  A “B” or better must have been earned for the course to transfer to CSU, and the student must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

4) Elementary and/or Early Childhood majors are required to take three standards-based core science courses (BIOL 149 with a lab, GEOL 100 with a lab, CHEM 111 with a lab OR PHYS 111 with a lab).  A student may earn a substitution for one of the science courses.  The science course the student substitutes must be of appropriate content and rigor including lab.

Unit Benchmarks

Undergraduate Teacher Education Program

Benchmark 1: Admission to the Professional Program in Teacher Education

  1. Complete Declaration of Intent to Seek Certification Form in EDUC 201  
  2. Complete EDUC 201  with a “C” or better
  3. Complete an application for admission to the School of Education
  4. Pass PRAXIS Core. Candidates who score 24 on ACT, or 1100 on SAT which was taken prior to March 2005, or 1650 on SAT taken since March 2005 do not have to take the PRAXIS Core in order to enter the School of Education.
  5. Complete key professional foundation courses (ENGL 111 , ENGL 112 , core math, EDUC 300 , ) with a grade of “C” or better.
  6. Minimum overall GPA of 2.75
  7. Complete a minimum of 45 hours of coursework
  8. Submit two recommendation forms one from faculty outside of Teacher Education and one from a level 300 School of Education Faculty member only
  9. Approval by the Teacher Education Committee

The School of Education and its candidates use an electronic data management system to monitor progress and to make course and program improvements. Students use electronic assignments and projects, monitor their progress and develop personal portfolios. The School of Education requires all teacher preparation candidates to purchase an individual student account for the duration of their progression through their individual teacher preparation programs.

The Dean of Education notifies applicants and their advisor(s) in writing of the action of the Teacher Education Committee. The Undergraduate Handbook of the School of Education provides a detailed description of the required criteria and procedures regarding application to the program. A candidate must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program before enrolling in courses in the professional program.

All programs in Teacher Education follow a specifically designed sequence of courses with sequential and incremental experiences. Education majors must work closely with their advisor(s). Each year candidates are required to update their program of study with any changes to their particular program. Programs of Study outlining required courses and requirements are available for each major in the School of Education Office, Wingo Hall 201.

Professional Foundations: In the first and second years, students will take courses of study designated Professional Foundations along with the Liberal Arts Core. A Professional Foundations course, in which the student receives a grade below “C,” must be repeated before the candidate may advance further in the Education Program.

Professional Program: After receiving Admission to the Professional Program, candidates may enroll in professional studies coursework. Students should work with their advisors in order to enroll in the appropriate courses at this level.

Throughout the education program, coursework includes a series of specialized field experiences. The number of hours for these experiences or practicum’s are found in the course descriptions of the catalog. Candidates will be placed primarily in public school sites with specific instructional assignments pertinent to their grade-level emphasis or content-area specialty. Transportation to and from these school sites is the responsibility of the student. A course, in which the candidate receives a grade below “C,” must be repeated before the candidate may advance further in the Professional Program. The culminating experience is the sixty-day clinical practice.

Benchmark 2: Program Progression in the Teacher Education Program

  1. Complete all Professional Foundation and Professional Studies coursework with a “C” or better and (only for Secondary/PK-12) Specialized Studies with a “C” or better
  2. Maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 and for Secondary/PK-12 programs a GPA of 2.75 in Specialized Studies
  3. Continued approval by the Teacher Education Committee

Benchmark 3: Admission to Clinical Practice

  1. Complete application for Clinical Practice
  2. Obtain FBI/SLED clearance prior to Clinical Practice by the SCDE
  3. Take all state-required PRAXIS II exams including Subject/Specialty exams and Principles of Learning and Teaching exams.
  4. Minimum overall GPA of 2.75 and for Secondary/PK-12 programs a GPA of 2.75 in Specialized Studies
  5. Approval by the Teacher Education Committee
  6. Obtain formal admission to Clinical Practice

Results of PRAXIS II tests should be sent directly to the South Carolina Department of Education and Charleston Southern University School of Education.

Once the application has been received and all criteria are met, the candidate’s file will be reviewed by the Dean of Education and submitted with a recommendation to the Teacher Education Committee for review and action. The Dean of Education notifies applicants and their advisor(s) in writing of the action of the committee. The Guidelines for Clinical Practice Handbook of the School of Education provides a detailed description of the required criteria and procedures regarding application and the expectations for successful completion of the Clinical Practice.

Adherence to the professional duties and responsibilities established for the faculty of the cooperating school where the Clinical Practice is undertaken. Consequently, the principal at the cooperating school retains the prerogative of dismissal when warranted. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of sixty (60) full working days of clinical practice is required. Candidates observe the academic calendar of the school to which they are assigned. Satisfactory attendance at scheduled seminars is required. A schedule for these seminars will be furnished prior to the Clinical Practice. Demonstrated competency in the ten performance standards identified by the state-mandated ADEPT performance evaluation instrument as determined by evaluations completed by the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.

Each candidate completing the requirements listed above will be scheduled for a final exit interview with the university supervisor to insure that all requirements have been satisfied.

Benchmark 4: Program Completion

  1. Minimum overall GPA of 2.75 and for Secondary/PK-12 programs a GPA of 2.75 in Specialized Studies
  2. Demonstrate at least 80% competency in each domain of the final ADEPT with no “Needs Improvement” in Clinical Practice
  3. Complete degree requirements for University

A program completer is defined as a candidate who successfully completes an approved program and passes the required licensing examinations. Failure to satisfactorily complete School of Education and university requirements and activities described by the faculty may prevent recommendation for licensure. No candidate can graduate with an education degree until all degree requirements have been met.

For candidates seeking licensure in states other than South Carolina, it is strongly recommended that they obtain a South Carolina teaching licensure first. Many states have reciprocal agreements with South Carolina that allow individuals who hold a South Carolina teaching certificate to receive initial licensure in those states.

