Feb 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education

Dr. Julie Fernandez, Dean College of Education

Dr. Robert Doan, Assistant Dean College of Education
Susan Gresh, Executive Assistant to the Dean
Carolyn White, Administrative Assistant to the College of Education

Dr. Anthony Smith, Department Chair of the EdD Program

Department Chair of the MEd Program

Graduate Faculty: Dr. Joseph Beeson, Dr. Amanda Butler, Dr. Robert Doan, Dr. Julie Fernandez, Dr. Robin K. Franklin, Dr. Kelley Green, Dr. Tonya Houston, Dr. George Metz, Dr. William Ross, Dr. Kathy Sobolewski, Dr. Kari Lee Siko Walters, Dr. James Spencer, Dr. Anthony Smith, Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski.

The Offices of the Dean of the College of Education and Coordinators of the Graduate Programs and the graduate faculty are located in H. C. Wingo Hall.

Vision and Mission for the College of Education

The vision of the College of Education is to prepare and sustain development of candidates who are called to serve as competent, caring educators and leaders committed to academic excellence. Candidates who are called to the education profession accept the ethical responsibility to practice and model integrity and Christian values in creating safe and effective learning environments for all students. Competent educators learn continuously and systematically to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions to create and manage supportive learning environments that result in increased student learning. Caring educators who are taught to see the connections between their daily work and Christian faith serve sensitively and effectively in their roles as educators. They intentionally view their lives as a form of Christian service and strive to provide the best environments to meet the diverse needs of all students and the broader educational community. Educators who are committed to student success are advocates for children— learning, leading and serving in ways that support the entire educational community in its pursuit of quality education and increased learning for all.

The mission of the College of Education is to prepare, inspire, and empower exemplary practitioners who integrate Christian faith in diverse environments. We strive to be a College of Education where faculty, staff, and students are engaged in significant collaborative work and ongoing involvement and service in the public schools to improve education. We seek to inspire educators to value learning as well as the learner as they serve as teachers and leaders in culturally diverse learning environments.    We encourage candidates to see the connections between their daily work and Christian faith so that they will not only have the content knowledge, skills, and dispositions that they need to be successful in a career but also they will be able to view their whole lives as a form of ministry.   The COE mission is reinforced by professional education courses, clinical settings, content specialty courses, and other extracurricular candidate experiences. Our mission is fulfilled through our seven graduate programs:  Master of Education in Elementary Administration and Supervision, Master of Education in Secondary Administration, Master of Education in Elementary & Secondary Administration and Supervision, Master of Education in Teacher Leadership, Master of Education in Physical Education and Sport Coaching, and the Doctorate in Education.

Admission Requirements Applicable to all Master of Education (MED) Programs

Levels of Instruction

  1. Master of Education courses are numbered at the 600 level.
  2. Some graduate/undergraduate courses are numbered at the 500 level. Graduate students must perform at a substantially higher level to receive graduate credits. This higher performance will normally involve advanced rigor in application and research activities representative of advanced standards and approved and supervised by the faculty member concerned. Special examination procedures will be employed for graduate students enrolled in such courses.
  3. A candidate may not receive graduate credit for a 500 level course if he/she has taken the course as an undergraduate.
  4. At least half of the courses counted toward the degree must be earned at the 600 level or higher.
  5. Undergraduate (300 and 400) level courses may be required of students with a deficiency of background. Such courses cannot be counted toward the master’s degree.

Additional Online Course Fees

No additional charges such as lab, proctoring or technology fees are associated with graduate education online courses. 

Each applicant for admission, except the non-degree student, must file with Graduate Admissions a complete dossier consisting of the following:

  1. Submit completed online application to the Graduate Office
  2. Submit supporting documents: Baccalaureate degree from an institution approved by a regional accrediting agency and a valid SC Teaching Certificate (except for MEd in Physical Education & Sport Coaching
  3. Provide two graduate recommendation forms from current or former supervisors
  4. Provide proof of GPA of at least 2.75 for the last two years of undergraduate study, and/or 3.0 GPA of graduate study (if applicable)
  5. Submit official transcripts from ALL institutions where undergraduate and/or graduate courses have been taken. (Official transcripts are those mailed from the school or college directly to the Graduate Office)
  6. Submit a writing sample with provided topic located on the MEd website.
  7. Complete a disposition belief survey located on the ME.d website. (only admission degree candidates)

Provisional Admission of Graduate Candidates

Admission as a provisional graduate candidate may be granted when the candidate has not met requirements for regular admission prior to the term the candidate desires to begin classes.  Provisional Graduate candidates can take no more than nine (9) credit hours. A candidate must gain regular admission into a master’s program before being permitted to continue taking graduate courses.  Financial Aid is not available to provisional candidates.

Non-degree Admission of Graduate Candidates

Admission as a non-degree graduate candidate may be granted when the candidate has a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution and meets one of the following: 

  1. The candidate does not desire to work toward a graduate degree, or
  2. The candidate is enrolled in another university and desires to obtain credit to be transferred to the graduate school in which he or she is seeking a degree.

Program for Alternative Certification (PACE) candidates are allowed to take up to nine (9) credit hours.  Financial Aid is not available to non-degree candidates.

  • Regulations Governing Nondegree Graduate Candidates: A non-degree candidate must present a transcript showing a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution or present a valid teacher’s certificate. Even though a nondegree graduate candidate has been admitted to the University, he or she has not been admitted to any department or to any degree program. No more than twelve (12) credit hours earned while classified as a non-degree graduate candidate at Charleston Southern University will be accepted toward a master’s degree. A candidate must gain formal admission into a masters program before being permitted to continue taking graduate courses. Financial Aid is not available to non-degree students. *EdD applicants are not eligible to enroll in non-degree courses. 

Transfer Credits

Graduate and EdD credits earned from other institutions can be applied to the master’s program only if all the following criteria are met:

1. The credits were earned at an accredited college or university
2. Completed in the past ten years
3. Passed with a grade of “B” or better
4. No coursework evaluated by “pass/fail” grades will be accepted. No professional development courses will be accepted.
5. Approved by the Director of the Coordinators of the MEd and EdD programs and are applicable to the student’s degree program

A maximum of 6 hours will be accepted for transfer credit from other accredited institutions for those seeking a Master of Education. A maximum of 9 hours will be accepted for transfer credit from other accredited institutions for those seeking a Master of Education in Administration and Supervision. 

Courses at Other Institutions

A candidate desiring to take a graduate course at another regionally accredited institution must secure permission to do so in advance from the Coordinators of the MEd or EdD Programs. 

Candidate Progress

Each candidate admitted to the program is assigned an advisor, meets with the Coordinators of the MEd or EdD Programs, and attends an orientation session. Prior to registration, the candidate must obtain his or her advisor’s course approvals. Beginning with the first course of a candidate’s program, each candidate is required to purchase a personal account and participate in Charleston Southern University College of Education’s data management system through course assignments and responsibilities.

Satisfactory Progress

The candidate must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA on courses attempted in both the education/professional core and the special interest/area of specialization courses.


A candidate must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. If the GPA falls below 3.00 it must be raised to the required GPA in the next semester or the candidate will be ineligible to continue in the program. The GPA is calculated only on work at Charleston Southern University. A candidate cannot earn more than one grade below a “B” in their program of study.  If a candidate earns more than one grade below a “B” the candidate’s record will be reviewed by the Director of Graduate Programs. The candidate may be required to withdraw from the program.

Any candidate who is ineligible to continue in or withdraws from a program may reapply in an area outside of education. A candidate, who is dropped from or withdraws from a program but wishes to continue taking classes, must state in writing that he or she understands that the work will not be applied toward a degree.

Failing Grades

If an MEd or EdD candidate earns a grade of “F” in a graduate course the course must be retaken at Charleston Southern University and passed with a grade of “B” or better before any additional coursework may be attempted in order to continue at CSU.

After earning one “F,” regardless of the GPA, the candidate is notified that he or she is on academic probation and that a subsequent grade of “C” or “F” will result in expulsion from the program.

Grade appeals may be initiated by the student in writing to the College of Education.


  1. The candidate is responsible for all course work including electronic submissions and requirements;
  2. The candidate is obligated to attend classes regularly and punctually; consistent with the Graduate College of Education policy that states: if a student misses 2 classes (in a traditional semester), 1 course (summer or 7-week course), they would need to meet directly with the Coordinator to discuss the attendance plan moving forward.
  3. The candidate is expected to carry out all assignments promptly.

Validation of Credits

All credits earned at Charleston Southern University or accepted by transfer will remain valid if the master’s degree is completed within six (6) calendar years from the time of the candidate’s first course applied toward the degree.

Graduation Requirements for all MED programs

The candidate must have satisfactorily completed all College of Education and university requirements including an overall 3.00 GPA and a “B” or better in the capstone course. All candidates must apply for graduation in the Office of the Registrar by the deadline dates published in the Academic Calendar.  

Admission Requirements Applicable to the Doctorate in Education (EdD) Program

  1. Application: Complete the CSU graduate admissions application online at https://apply.charlestonsouthern.edu/apply/?sr=89d3e2ef-931b-4f77-b788-d5264cfa5525
  2. Reference Rating Forms: Have three reference rating forms submitted on your behalf from:  a current supervisor, professional colleague, and former university professor.
  3. Official Transcripts: Send official transcripts of all graduate coursework and the  Master’s degree earned must be designated to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
  4. Resume’ or CV: Submit an electronic copy of a current resume’ or CV.
  5. On-Campus Interview and Writing Sample.
  6. Other items may be requested, at the discretion of the doctoral admissions committee.

Official transcripts must be sent to:

            Charleston Southern University

            Office of Admissions

            9200 University Blvd.

            Charleston SC  29406

All other materials should be emailed to doctoraladmission@csuniv.edu

Transfer Credit

The Ed.D. program of study follows an integrated cohort design.  Due to the nature of the course progression, transfer credits are not suitable unless approved by recommendation from the Coordinator of the EdD Program to the Dean of the College of Education.  Candidates must be committed to the prescribed design and sequence of the program of studies.  

Course Credits Applied to Doctoral Program Plan of Study

Graduate credits earned from other institutions can be applied to the doctoral program only if all the following criteria are met: 

1. The credits were earned  at an accredited college or university

2. Completed in the past ten years

3. Passed with a grade of “B” or better

4. Approved by the Coordinator of the EdD Program and are applicable to the student’s degree program

To seek approval for application of credits to your program, complete the Program Plan of Study Change Request Form.  In most cases, Charleston Southern University Graduate Programs in Education will accept and apply up to 6 credit hours of doctoral-level coursework toward the doctoral degree.  For students with the earned Ed.S. degree, up to 18 credit hours of applicable coursework may be accepted.

Graduation Requirements for the EdD program

To earn the EdD degree, students must complete all Core, Cognate, Research, and Dissertation hour credits. In addition, a comprehensive exam will be administered during the term when EDUC 795 is taken and a passing grade on the exam is required to move into the dissertation phase. Students must successfully defend the dissertation research and be recommended to the Dean for submission to the Vice President for a final recommendation for the degree to be awarded. Students must maintain continuous enrollment in the program in order to sequentially move through the program and meet all degree requirements.  No degree will be awarded for a student whose cumulative doctoral-level coursework GPA is less than 3.0.

Program Requirements