Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MUSI 199 - Musicianship II

    (4 hours) Pre-requisites: MUSI 131 and 132 or 198 or placement based on Musicianship placement exam. This course is the second of a four-part sequence devoted to the development of foundational musicianship skills. The goal of the Musicianship course sequence is for each student to be able to think critically and in detail about Western musical structures, and to communicate clearly and persuasively about them. This goal necessitates fluency or competence in musical notation, analysis, model composition, performance, dictation and transcription, and writing about music. Musicianship II focuses on increasing fluency and complexity in the reading and writing of Western musical notation in three clefs; movable-do solfege in major and (do-based) minor keys; identifying (by sight and by ear), performing, and conducting simple and compound meters; singing and dictating diatonic melodies in major and minor keys; and voice-leading. Musicianship II also continues the exploration of the relationship of music to the Christian faith. New topics introduced are the recognition and dictation of harmonic and small-scale formal structures; intermediate-to-advanced uses of music notation and analysis software; transcription of entire musical works and movements; single-hearing dictation exercises; analysis of harmonic and formal structures; hermeneutics; analysis of pop/rock and contemporary Christian worship music; text-music relationships; and introduction to writing about music.
  • MUSI 201 - Music and Worship Education

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131 and 132 or 198. This course provides practical guidance and study on implementing and growing a church music education program from preschool through senior adult. Discussion of enlisting, training, and retaining lay music leaders is included. Students receive instruction on implementing and maintaining an instrumental program, handbell program, and drama ministry in the church.
  • MUSI 227 - Jazz and Commercial Music Theory

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131, 132, 134 and 135 or 198 and 199. This course explores the fundamentals of harmony and musical form in jazz and commercial music through the development of basic theory, keyboard and aural skills.
  • MUSI 228 - Technology in Worship

    (3 hours) Pre-requisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. This course includes introduction to and practical experiences with technologies used in modern worship. The use of visual media, sound reinforcement, and theater lighting systems in worship are included. Students are introduced to current worship presentation video projection software in lecture and in computer lab settings. Musical instrument technologies are explored. Students also study the dynamics of developing technology ministry teams in the church.
  • MUSI 229 - Arranging for Worship Leaders

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131, 132, 134, 135 or 198 and 199 and 227. This course leads the music & worship student to discover the fundamentals of orchestration, transcription, and arranging. These fundamentals are specifically applied in assignments related to the career ministry of a contemporary worship leader including vocal ensembles, praise teams, choirs, worship bands and church orchestras. Students learn to arrange traditional hymns for use in modern worship and are introduced to composing original compositions in contemporary song forms.
  • MUSI 237 - Brass Techniques

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. Fundamentals of playing and teaching brass instrument in a class teaching brass instruments in a class setting. Basic principles, such as embouchure formation and development, fingerings, overtone series, transposition, maintenance and repair, intonation, teaching materials, and teaching techniques will be covered. Required of Music Education majors.
  • MUSI 238 - Woodwind Techniques

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. Fundamentals of playing and teaching woodwind instruments in a class setting. Basic principles, such as embouchure formation and development, fingerings, transposition, maintenance and repair, intonation, teaching materials, and teaching techniques, will be covered. Required of Music Education majors.
  • MUSI 239 - String Techniques

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. Fundamentals of playing and teaching string instruments in a class setting. Basic principles, such as tone production, bowing, articulation, fingering, maintenance and repair, intonation, teaching materials, and teaching techniques will be covered. Required of Music Education majors.
  • MUSI 240 - Percussion Techniques

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. Fundamentals of playing and teaching percussion instruments in a class setting. Basic principles such as grip, stroke, sticking, and rolls on the snare, bass drum and timpani; techniques of playing the keyboard mallet instruments and accessory percussion; equipment needs for the school band or orchestra; and, organizing and developing the marching percussion section, will be covered. Required of Music Education and Music Therapy majors.
  • MUSI 241 - Language Diction for Musicians

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: Admitted to Horton School of Music. A study of pronunciation and basic dictionary translation skills in the English, Italian and German languages as applied to singing using Phonetics and the International Phonetic Alphabet. Required for Bachelor of Arts degrees in Choral or Instrumental Music Education, Vocal Performance, Music and Worship Leadership, and Music Therapy. The professor will model technology use in the classroom by using at least one of the following: Power Point, internet research, Blackboard, etc.
  • MUSI 242 - Advanced Language Diction

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 241 or by permission of instructor. Advanced study of pronunciation, transcription, and dictionary translation skills in the Italian and German Languages as applied to singing using the International Phonetic Alphabet, with the addition of the French, Latin, and Spanish languages Required of BA Vocal Performance emphasis.
  • MUSI 243 - Vocal Techniques

    (1 hours) Instruction in the basic techniques of vocal production, performance, and pedagogy. Required of Instrumental Music Education, and Music Therapy majors. MUSI 151-32 may be substituted for this course for Music Therapy majors.
  • MUSI 251 30 - Group Piano III

    (1 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 15130 and 15230 (grade of “C” or better) or permission of chair. Group Piano is designed to help the music major acquire keyboard skills that will assist them in their future music career positions. The classes also allow for ancillary teaching of theoretical harmonic principles of music. Fee required.
  • MUSI 252 30 - Group Piano IV

    (1 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 151, 152 and 251 (grade of “C” or better) or permission of chair. Group Piano IV or piano proficiency is designed to assess the acquisition of required keyboard skills for music majors (Music Education, Music Therapy, or Performance). Students will be required to (a) play all major & minor scales, two octaves; (b) sight read works of moderate difficulty; (c) demonstrate an ability to provide accompaniment to simple melodies and (d) transpose a simple piano selection. Fee required.
  • MUSI 298 - Musicianship III

    (4 hours) Pre-requisites: MUSI 134 and 135 or 199 or placement based on Musicianship placement exam.  

    This course is the third of a four-part sequence devoted to the development of foundational musicianship skills. The goal of the Musicianship course sequence is for each student to be able to think critically and in detail about Western musical structures, and to communicate clearly and persuasively about them. This goal necessitates fluency or competence in musical notation, analysis, model composition, performance, dictation and transcription, and writing about music. Musicianship III focuses on increasing fluency and complexity in the skills and topics covered in Musicianship I and II. Musicianship III also focuses on gaining fluency in the recognition, analysis, and composition of large-scale formal structures in the Classical tradition—namely, minuet, rondo, and sonata forms; the recognition, dictation, transcription, composition, performance, and analysis of chromatic, modulating, and sequential structures within the major/minor tonal system; the analysis and composition of 19th-century German art song; advanced uses of music notation and analysis software; and substantial writing about music.

  • MUSI 299 - Musicianship IV

    (4 hours) Pre-requisites: MUSI 231 and 232 or 298 or placement based on Musicianship placement exam. This course is the last of a four-part sequence devoted to the development of foundational musicianship skills. The goal of the Musicianship course sequence is for each student to be able to think critically and in detail about Western musical structures, and to communicate clearly and persuasively about them. This goal necessitates fluency or competence in musical notation, analysis, model composition, performance, dictation and transcription, and writing about music.
    Musicianship IV focuses on gaining fluency in the recognition, dictation, transcription, performance, and analysis of heavily chromatic, atonal, dodecaphonic, serial, and other complex structures of Western art and avant-garde music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries; understanding the aesthetic principles behind composition and performance practices of the 20th century; the relationship of music to other art forms in the 20th century; advanced analytical writing about music; and an introduction to computational analysis.

  • MUSI 301 - Elementary Conducting

    (2 hours) Prerequisites: Admitted to Horton School of Music, MUSI 134 and 135 or 199. A study of the fundamentals of conducting, including basic beat patterns, cueing, Interpretive gestures, four-part vocal score reading, and rehearsal techniques with emphasis on the choral ensemble and its literature. Note: Required of all music majors.
  • MUSI 302 - Advanced Conducting

    (2 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 301. Advanced conducting techniques, including baton techniques, asymmetric and mixed meters, and the development of coordinated movements and gestures. Advanced score reading and analysis, including transposition. Advanced rehearsal techniques with emphasis on the large instrumental ensemble. Required of Music Education, and Performance majors.
  • MUSI 307 - Communication in Music Therapy and Music Education

    (2 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 101 and 102 (grades of “C” or better) or permission of the instructor. This course is required for Music Therapy majors and an elective for Music Education majors. Students practice literature review as well as scientific and program description writing, presentation software, and research poster session techniques appropriate to their fields of study and related populations of clients and students. The focus of this course is to develop written and oral communication skills to aid music therapy and music education majors in disseminating information about their professions.
  • MUSI 308 - Music and Worship Foundations and Philosophy

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131, 132, 134 and 135 or 198 and 199.  

    This course explores current worship philosophies and practices as well as future trends. Each philosophical approach will be examined for strengths and weaknesses regarding its biblical foundation. In addition, students will analyze each approach to determine its success in the mission of leading those gathered in genuine worship. Through analysis, reflection and research, students will develop and present a personal philosophy of music and worship leadership.

  • MUSI 311 - Music and Worship Administration

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131 and 132 or 198. This course is designed to equip the church musician with the leadership and administrative skills necessary for an effective and efficient music ministry in the local church. Specific areas of study include staff relationships in the multiple staff church, the team approach to music ministry, budget and resource management, enlisting & training participants & volunteer leadership, and foundations of leadership. Special attention is given to the relational perspective of administrative responsibilities.
  • MUSI 314 - Jazz Improvisation

    (2 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 131, 132, 134 and 135 or 198 and 199 (grades of “C” or better) and/or permission of the instructor. This course consists of the study of jazz improvisation. The basic elements of jazz improvisation will be explored by incorporating elements of jazz theory, history, and vocabulary through lecture and participation. This course is designed for music students (majors and minors) and other qualified students.
  • MUSI 345 - Music Composition and Arranging

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 134 and 135 or 199. Principles underlying motive development and its relationship to various musical forms; principles of arranging composed melodies in various century styles such as traditional classical, pop, twentieth century, and various ethnic styles; basic principles for writing for various instruments; encouragement to use programs such as Finale to write their compositions/arrangements.
  • MUSI 360 - Recital

    (1 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 095-20 and MUSI 199 for junior performance majors; MUSI 299 for senior music education majors. Co-requisite: 400 level studio instruction. Students are required to present a one-half hour recital in their major performance area. Junior performance majors during their second semester of 400 level study, Senior music education majors during their third or fourth semester of 400 level study. Students must declare their program content at the jury prior to the recital semester and successfully complete a recital audition for a faculty jury at least 30 days prior to the recital performance.
  • MUSI 361 - Music Therapy Clinical Experience

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Therapy advisor required. Clinical experience at an approved site must be taken six times for one credit each. Students will be involved in hands-on experiences with a minimum of three populations, incorporating principles of therapy and the therapeutic relationship. Students must receive a minimum of 80% in each clinical experience. A student earning less than 80% must repeat the clinical experience with the same or comparable population. A student unable to successfully complete the clinical experience on the second attempt, will be dismissed from the program. A student successfully completing the repeated clinical but not earning at least 80% in a first attempt of a later clinical experience will be dismissed from the program. In addition, a student with identified deficient clinical competencies who does not remedy the deficiencies within 1 semester will be dismissed from the music therapy program, regardless of whether clinical experiences earned 80% or higher. Advanced Standing (095-53) is typically awarded following successful completion of the third Music Therapy Clinical Experience, the music theory sequence (MUSI 131 - 135 or 198 and 199, 231 - 235 or 198 and 199), and Guitar Proficiency (MUSI 095-52). A student may not continue in the Music Therapy Clinical Experience sequence past the third clinical until earning Advanced Standing. Fee required. This course cannot be challenged
  • MUSI 369 - Music Therapy Methods I

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 102 or permission of instructor. Students will have the opportunity to develop assessment and measurement techniques; treatment planning; and methods and materials, appropriate for clients with various needs. This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 370 - Music Therapy Methods II

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 369 or permission of instructor. A continuation of MUSI 369 with emphasis on developing assessment and measurement techniques; treatment planning; and methods and materials, appropriate for clients with various needs. This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 371 - Music History and Literature I

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 134, 135 or 199 and Admitted to Horton School of Music. A study of music in the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Stylistic changes in music are examined as they occur in major compositions by the most important composers of the time, and extensive listening is required. The lives of major composers are examined as well as the position of the musician in society. The course is designed for those pursuing a career in teaching and/or performance.
  • MUSI 372 - Music History and Literature II

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 134, 135 or 199, and 371. A study of music in the Classical, Romantic, and 20th century periods as well as non-Western practices. Stylistic changes in music are examined as they occur in major compositions by the most important composers of the time, and extensive listening is required. The lives of major composers are examined as well as the position of the musician in society. The course is designed for those pursuing a career in teaching and/or performance.
  • MUSI 403 - Teaching Music in the Elementary School

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 234 and 235 or 299, admission to the School of Education and junior standing. Methods, materials, and procedures for teaching general music in the elementary school with emphasis on children’s musical development and its effect on course content in grades K-8. Teaching strategies will be observed and practiced in clinical settings (minimum 14 hours in-school practical).
  • MUSI 404 - Worship Leadership

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: Successful completion of MUSI 308. Worship styles from liturgical to free worship are studied and experienced. Students plan biblically sound worship services in liturgical, traditional, and modern formats. Planning assignments are group projects simulating a worship planning team in a local church. Effective and efficient rehearsal techniques are explored. Students learn to recruit and lead effective worship leading and worship planning teams. Students discuss the worship leader’s role in relationship to other church staff, the congregation, and the lay musicians in the church.
  • MUSI 405 - Teaching Music in the Secondary School

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 234 and 235 or 299 successful completion of MUSI 252 and admission to the School of Education. Study and practical application of methods, materials, and procedures for teaching choral or instrumental performance organizations in the secondary school. Course includes training in the use of the APT and ADEPT instruments for assessing teaching ability. Emphasis on administration of the middle and high school choral or instrumental program, evaluation and selection of music, program development, recruiting, and rehearsal techniques and effective classroom discipline. Course includes a minimum 14-hour school practicum with assigned teacher. This course should be taken the semester immediately prior to Student Teaching.
  • MUSI 406 - History of Music in Worship

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 134 and 135 or 199 or permission of the instructor. This course examines the integration of music in worship throughout history. Students explore the centrality of Old and New Testament scripture in leading and planning worship and analyze Christian worship practices from the New Testament times to the present.  Special attention will be given to the role and use of music within the context of worship events. Other areas of research and discovery include the theology of congregational song, the use of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in present day worship, the use of new materials for congregational worship, and an examination of recently published hymnals, contemporary worship collections, and web based resources.
  • MUSI 445 - Pedagogy

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 299 and MUSI 360. Methods, materials, and procedures for private and group instruction, studio management and the school situation, planning for various grade levels, history of teaching and study of leading methods, stylistic and technical aspects of representative literature from all periods.
  • MUSI 460 - Advanced Recital

    (2 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 299 and MUSI 360. Co-requisite: 400 level studio instruction. Music Performance majors are required to present a one-hour recital in their major studio area during their fourth semester of 400 level study. They must declare their program content at the jury prior to the recital semester and successfully complete a recital audition for a faculty jury at least 30 days prior to the performance.  This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 462 - Psychology of Music

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 370 or permission of instructor. The psychological basis of music. Areas studied include characteristic properties of sound; the response of the human organism to musical stimuli; the anatomy and mechanism of the ear and theories of hearing; an introduction to the classification of data, measures of central tendency, variability, probability, hypothesis testing, correlation, analysis of variance and non-parametric tests; and current music therapy research. This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 463 - The Influence of Music on Behavior

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 462 or permission of the instructor. Investigative research into the effects of music on the human organism. Field experience and a research project are required. This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 464 - Professional Development in Music Therapy

    (1 hours) Prerequisite: MUSI 463 or permission of instructor. A seminar designed to prepare majors for Music Therapy internship and career. Students will develop an understanding of professional competencies, standards of clinical practice, and professional ethics as required by the American Music Therapy Association. This course cannot be challenged.
  • MUSI 465 - Senior Worship Project

    (1 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 308 and 404. This requirement of the BA in Music and Worship degree is the planning, preparation, and public performance of a 45 minute worship service. The project should demonstrate the student’s understanding of biblical principles of worship, ability to prepare a team of musicians to lead worship, and mastery of musical skills necessary to be effective as a modern worship leader. At the approval of the supervising faculty members, the project may be presented on or off campus.
  • MUSI 469 - Music and Worship Internship

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: MUSI 201, 308, and 311. This course is an onsite internship at a local church with a full time worship leader or minister of music. The chosen site should be the same or similar denomination of the student and must be approved by the professor. The local worship leader or minister of music will directly supervise the student’s work and will be in direct communication with the professor. The student will be introduced to multiple staff relationships and functionality, everyday work of the professional minister, interpersonal relationships in the church, and the multiplicity of roles required for the successful worship leader/minister of music. The student should register for this course and perform the internship in their next to last semester before graduation. Students performing approved summer internships should register for the class in the fall semester immediately following that summer. Note: Students will receive grades of A-F.
  • MUSI 471 - Vocal Literature

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUSI 371, MUSI 372, and student must be enrolled at the 400 level of Studio Voice. This course will provide undergraduate vocal performance students with an in-depth study of Italian, German, British, American and Spanish song literature that will enhance and refine the knowledge and skills acquired at the undergraduate level. Through analysis and performance this class will examine and become familiar with compositional aspects and performance practices of solo vocal repertoire beginning in the Baroque Period and progressing chronologically through the Classical, Romantic, & Twentieth Century and the modern era.
  • MUSI 496 - Music Therapy Internship

    (1-12 hours) Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of all courses necessary for the major or equivalency in Music Therapy. Students apply for internship placement during the final year of academic and clinical coursework. During the internship, students gain advanced knowledge of a specific client population and facility; refine personal, professional, and therapeutic responsibility, treating an assigned caseload of clients; further develop therapeutic skills and attitudes necessary for success in the professional practice of music therapy; and enhance knowledge of learning principles of therapy and issues surrounding therapeutic relationships with clients. This course cannot be challenged. Note: Grading is on a pass/fail basis.


  • NURS 102 - Foundations of Nursing

    (3 [3-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: ENGL 111, completion or enrollment in MATH 105 or higher, BIOL 226 and 227 and completion of either CHEM 110 or BIOL 220 (all with a grade of “C” or better). Foundations of Nursing introduces the student to the profession of nursing with emphasis on the nursing history, philosophy and theory.  This course will allow students to explore legal aspect and ethical concepts related to the nursing profession. Trends of health care will be examined and how it relates to the transformation of the profession of nursing.  The students will be introduced to nursing education, evidence based practice and its use in the healthcare arena as well as critical thinking and the nursing process. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 203 - Health Assessment

    (4 [3-1-0] hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the nursing major/program and NURS 102. This course is designed to prepare pre-licensure nursing students to conduct a comprehensive health assessment. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition and interpretation of data collected from patients across the lifespan. A physical, psychosocial, sociocultural and spiritual approach is utilized to identify the needs of the client and their views related to their health and to promote effective health practices. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 215 - Fundamentals of Nursing

    (5 [2-1-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 102 and Admission to the BSN program. This course focuses on the development of core knowledge and values of professional nursing practice. It introduces the student to the nursing process, concept of critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and fundamental skills necessary for the provision of safe and effective nursing care. Clinical experiences in laboratory and selected healthcare facilities provide opportunities for the student to apply nursing concepts and the clinical decision making process. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 216 - Pharmacology for Professional Nursing (old curriculum)

    (3 [3-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 203, NURS 209 and NURS 217; Corequisite: NURS 215. The course introduces the student to pharmacological concepts, major drug classifications and the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing practice for clients receiving medications for a variety of disorders. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 221 - Clinical Application of Pharmacological Concepts I

    (2 [2-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the BSN program and NURS 102. This course introduces the student to the professional nurse’s role in ensuring safety and technical competence with administration of medications to patients throughout the lifespan.           
  • NURS 222 - Clinical Application of Pharmacological Concepts II

    (3 [3-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 203, 215 and 221. This course uses a systems-based approach to the study of pharmacological management of acute and chronic illness. An overview of pathophysiology pertinent to pharmacologic indication for each medication classification will be presented. Content for each major drug classification will also include generic and trade name, indication(s), action(s), contraindications, precautions, adverse reactions and side effects, adult dosage and route, physical assessment and lab considerations and patient/family teaching.
  • NURS 231 - Adult Health I (new curriculum)

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 203, 215 and 221. This course explores the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing for patients across the adult age continuum presenting with basic medical and surgical health conditions. The nursing process is applied with emphasis on critical thinking and evidence-based care that addresses the specific needs of the patient for the maintenance, promotion, and restoration of physiological and psychosocial functioning.
  • NURS 260 - Life Span Development

    (3 hours) Prerequisites or Corequisites: PSYC 110; NURS 102; or permission of instructor. This course focuses on human growth and development across the life span from prenatal beginning to death. Emphasis will be placed on the biophysical and psychosocial developmental processes and changes for each period of the life span. Cross-listed under Health Promotion (HEAL).
  • NURS 300 - Informatics for the Healthcare Professional

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: CSCI 209. This course will focus on informatics relevant to healthcare, basics of computer concepts, networking, security and privacy, and information competency. Computer uses in healthcare, software skills necessary for professional career development as well as clinical informatics will be included in a contemporary, mainstream perspective. Cross-listed with HEAL. (Nursing=Parent).
  • NURS 302 - Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (old curriculum)

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 200 level Nursing courses, BIOL 345 (grade of “C” or better), and NURS 260 or other approved growth and development course (grade of “C” or better). Using a theoretical orientation, the course focuses on the dynamics of health behavior to care for culturally diverse clients receiving psychiatric/mental health care in hospital and community settings. Care is focused on common mental health problems with emphasis on therapeutic interventions and modalities designed to promote, maintain and restore health. The concepts of group dynamics and milieu management are addressed. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the health care team is emphasized. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 303 - Maternity Nursing (old curriculum)

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 200 level Nursing courses, BIOL 345 (grade of “C” or better) and NURS 260 or other approved growth and development course (grade of “C” or better). Application of the nursing process with women and families in the childbearing phase of development in hospital and community settings is emphasized. Care will focus on the health needs related to the normal and abnormal prenatal, intrapartal and postpartal physiological changes and psychosocial needs related to new family structure and dynamics. Emphasis will be on health promotion and maintenance. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 304 - Pediatric Nursing (old curriculum)

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 200 level Nursing courses, NURS 311, BIOL 345 (grade of “C” or better), and NURS 260 or other approved growth and development course (grade of “C” or better). Application of the nursing process with children and families in the hospital and community settings is emphasized. Care will focus on the common pediatric health problems and the health promotion needs of well children. Emphasis will be on health promotion and maintenance. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 311 - Adult Health I (old curriculum)

    (4 [2-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 200 level Nursing courses, BIOL 345 (grade of “C” or better) and NURS 260 or other approved growth and development course (grade of “C” or better). The course explores the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing practice for patients with specific medical and/or surgical conditions. The nursing process is applied with emphasis placed on care that addresses the specific needs of the adult patient for the maintenance, promotion and restoration of physiological/psychosocial function. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 313 - Alternative and Complementary Therapies in Healthcare

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: Junior or senior status. The course introduces students to selected alternative and complementary therapies used and discussed in healthcare literature. The student will investigate and evaluate the literature about alternative and complementary therapies for potential benefit in maintaining and improving health. Current best evidence about the efficacy and safety of alternative and complementary therapies will be explored. Cross listed with NURS (NURS = parent).
  • NURS 314 - Ethical and Legal issues in Healthcare

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program. (BSN or RN-BSN). This course provides an opportunity to assess ethical and legal issues confronting nurses and other healthcare professionals. Concepts, theories and values in the ethical decision-making process related to ethical dilemmas will be examined. Ethical and legal concepts and principles underlying nursing and health care and the legal parameters of professional practice will be analyzed.
  • NURS 315 - Genetics in Nursing

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program (BSN or RN-BSN). This course provides an overview of genetics and genomics concepts and the implications to clinical practice. The course will prepare students to recognize the relationship of genetics and genomics in providing care in all health care settings.
  • NURS 316 - Introduction to Forensic Nursing

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing Program (BSN or RN-BSN). This course provides an introduction to the forensics health science, clinical forensic nursing, and the nursing role in the scientific investigation of violence. The course focuses on the evidence based principles of forensic nursing in acute care and community practice settings.
  • NURS 322 - Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing

    (4 [3-0-1] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 260, 323, and 331. Using a theoretical orientation, this course focuses on the dynamics of human behavior to care for culturally diverse patients receiving psychiatric-mental health care in hospital and community settings. Care is focused on common mental health problems with emphasis on therapeutic interventions and modalities designed to promote, maintain, and restore health. The concepts of group dynamics and milieu management are addressed. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the health care team is emphasized. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 323 - Maternity Nursing

    (4 [2-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 222 and 231. This course focuses on application of the nursing process with women and families in the childbearing phase of development in hospital and community settings. Care will focus on the health needs related to the normal and abnormal prenatal, intrapartal, and post-partal physiological changes and psychosocial needs related to new family structure and dynamics. Emphasis will be on health promotion and maintenance. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 324 - Pediatric Nursing

    (4 [2-0-2] hours) Prerequisites:NURS 260, 323 and 331. This course focuses on pediatric health and illness from infancy to adolescence with an emphasis on growth and development, health promotion, end of life care, evidence-based practice, cultural variations and communication with children and families in hospital and community settings. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 325 - Gerontological Nursing

    (2 [2-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 260, 323 and 331. This course provides the student with an understanding of the normal and pathologic changes that are more common in the older adult. An understanding of these changes is essential to the role of the nurse as provider and manager of care for the older adult.  The student will explore and apply the nursing process as it relates to the maintenance, promotion and restoration of health for the older adult.
  • NURS 331 - Adult Health II (new curriculum)

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 222 and 231. This course explores the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing for patients across the adult age continuum presenting with complex medical and surgical health conditions. The nursing process is applied with emphasis on critical thinking and evidence-based care that addresses the specific needs of the patient for the maintenance, promotion, and restoration of physiological and psychosocial functioning.
  • NURS 365 - Health Assessment in Professional Nursing Practice

    (4 [4-0-0] hours) Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing RN to MSN Program or admission to the RN to BSN option and completion of at least 52 semester hours of non nursing courses required for the RN-BSN option. This is a web- based course designed to refine practicing registered nurses’ physical examination skills, health promotion techniques, and clinical assessment tools. Analysis and interpretation of data and systematic documentation processes are included. The course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 404 - Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing

    (5 [3-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 405, 409 and 431. Effective leadership and management skills expected of the professional nurse will be explored. Strategies for application of leadership and management principles in simulated and actual healthcare delivery situations will be developed. The impact of legal, social, political, religious and economic forces on nursing, society, and the health care system are analyzed.  Ethical and spiritual dilemmas confronting nurses are explored from multiple perspectives. Integrate of faith in providing nursing care to a culturally diverse population. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 405 - Research in Healthcare

    (3 [3-0-0] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 322, 324 and 325 and PSYC/SOCI 301 or other approved statistics course. The research process and application of research findings, as applied to healthcare, will be addressed. Emphasis is on the review and critique of published research with consideration of the application of research findings in healthcare settings. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 409 - Community Health Nursing

    (4 [2-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: NURS 322, 324 and 325. The course focuses on assessing needs, promoting health, and preventing disease in vulnerable individuals, groups, and communities. Family and community assessments will be performed utilizing multidisciplinary theories and principles. This course cannot be challenged. Admission to the RN-MSN Program or admission to the RN to BSN Option and completion of at least 52 semester hours of nonnursing courses required for the RN-BSN Option. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 411 - Adult Health II (old curriculum)

    (4 [2-0-2] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 300 level Nursing courses. Application of the nursing process with adults in the hospital setting is emphasized. Care will focus on multidimensional needs of the client including physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual with emphasis on maintenance, prevention, and restoration through the adult years. The definition of the individual as client/patient is broadened to include the family. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 412 - Adult Health III (old curriculum)

    (6 [2-0-4] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 300 level Nursing courses, NURS 404, NURS 405 and NURS 411; Corequisite: NURS 430. This course will focus on the application of the nursing process in specialized care units with adult patients who have multiple, complex health issues and their families. Strategies to respond and adapt to rapidly changing patient conditions in simulated and actual health care settings is emphasized. This course can be challenged/validated by RN-BSN Option students only.
  • NURS 415 - Leadership for the Professional Nurse

    (4 [3-0-1] hours) Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing RN to MSN Program or admission to the RN to BSN option and completion of at least 52 semester hours of non nursing courses required for the RN-BSN option. This is a web-based course designed to explore effective leadership and management skills expected of the professional nurse. Strategies for application of leadership and management principles in simulated and actual healthcare delivery situations will be developed. The impact of legal, social, political, religious and economic forces on nursing, society, and the health care system are analyzed. Ethical and spiritual dilemmas confronting nurses are explored from multiple perspectives.
  • NURS 416 - Spirituality, Health and Healing

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 300 level NURS courses and SOCI 312, admission to the nursing program or permission of the instructor. The course allows the student to explore the theme of healing with focus on the mind-body connection, as it intersects with faith, spirituality and faith communities. The opportunity for development and support of faith-based initiatives within community health promotion programs will be examined. Cross-listed with Health Promotion. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 420 - Senior Project

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all 300 level Nursing courses for basic students. The course provides the opportunity for students to creatively and independently explore an area of professional nursing while drawing upon theories and concepts from liberal education and nursing. Learning objectives and methods of evaluation are designed to meet individual student learning needs. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 422 - Professional Role Transition in Nursing

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Option and completion of at least 52 credit hours of the 64 credit non-nursing courses. This course focuses on the development of the professional self concept in response to change through examination and reflection of personal and professional values. Concepts related to professional role responsibilities, nursing history, nursing theory, evidence-based nursing practice, ethics and career development will be explored.
  • NURS 430 - Capstone: Preparing for the Professional Role

    (2 [2-0-0] hours) Completion of all 300 level Nursing courses; Prerequisites or Corequisites: All 400 level Nursing courses. Taken in final semester of the nursing major/program. The capstone experience allows for synthesis of theories and knowledge from the arts, sciences, and nursing in order to refine critical thinking skills for making clinical and professional judgments from a multidimensional perspective in preparation for NCLEX-RN success and the professional role. This course cannot be challenged.
  • NURS 431 - Adult Health III (new curriculum)

    (4 (2-0-2) hours) Prerequisites: NURS 322, 324 and 325. This course will focus on professional nursing practice with the care and management of the critically ill adult patient. An emphasis will be placed on advanced concepts of pathophysiology and disease processes related the critical adult patient with multisystem dysfunction. Prioritization and clinical decision making will be employed with the care of these patients utilizing critical thinking, leadership and management skills.
  • NURS 432 - Adult Health IV Immersion

    (5[1-0-4] hours) Prerequisites: Completion of all NURS 431, NURS 409, and NURS 405. This course focuses on integration of theoretical knowledge into the provision of direct nursing care for adults with acute and chronic health conditions. Clinical judgment, critical thinking skills and application of the nursing process are enhanced and refined in a precepted immersion clinical experience. Concepts of evidence based practice, safety, quality improvement, collaboration, informatics and professional role are incorporated into the clinical and seminar experience.


  • PHYS 100 - Physical Science

    (3 hours) Designation reserved for elective credit received under the CLEP program.
  • PHYS 111 - Physical Science for Educators

    (4 hours) Prerequisite: Math 110 or 111 (grade of “C” or better) and permission of the Education department. This course is designed for early childhood and elementary education majors following the state of South Carolina’s science standards for grades kindergarten through 8th grade. Included is an introduction to the concepts of properties and measurement, motion, sound, electricity, energy, light, atomic structure, nuclear change, and chemical change. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. (Laboratory fee required.) Cross-listed under Chemistry. (Parent = CHEM)
  • PHYS 115 - Astronomy

    (4 hours) A descriptive survey of the universe, with emphasis on basic physical concepts and the objects in our solar system along with galactic and extragalactic objects, is presented. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours. (Laboratory fee required). This course cannot be challenged. Note: All students placed in MATH 099 must complete the course successfully before being allowed Into PHYS 115.
  • PHYS 120 - Weather and Climate

    (4 hours) A largely nonmathematical course in the study of the Earth’s atmosphere. This course examines the structure, composition, and properties of the atmosphere: origin and changes in the atmosphere over geologic history, comparison of Earth’s atmosphere to that of other planets, weather lore, cloud formation and identification, hurricanes, midlatitude cyclones, tornadoes, dust devils, Coriolis force, pressure gradient force, geostrophic winds, global atmospheric circulation, climate change, the greenhouse effect, inversions, deterioration of the ozone layer, weather maps and Instruments, weather forecasting, lightning and other aspects of atmospheric electricity, optical properties of the atmosphere (rainbows, haloes, perihelia and parselene, coronae, and glories; mirages), interaction of the atmosphere with the oceans, fronts and air masses are among the topics examined. (Laboratory fee required)
  • PHYS 201 - Introductory Physics I

    (4 hours) Prerequisite: MATH 130 (grade of “C” ). A highly mathematical problem solving algebra/trigonometry based physics course. Topics include review of vector analysis. Newtonian mechanics, fluids and, thermodynamics. Laboratories are designed to enhance lecture topics with attention to safe use of equipment, statistical analysis of data, and the acquisition of skills required in scientific processes. Lecture 3 hours, Laboratory 3 hours. (Laboratory fee required) This course cannot be challenged.
  • PHYS 202 - Introductory Physics II

    (4 hours) Prerequisites: PHYS 201 (grade of “C” or better). A continuation of Physics 201. Topics include waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and optics. Laboratories are designed to enhance lecture topics with attention to safe use of equipment, statistical analysis of data, and the acquisition skills required in scientific processes. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. (Laboratory fee required) This course cannot be challenged.
  • PHYS 203 - General Physics I

    (4 hours) Prerequisite: MATH 221 (grade of “C” or better). The application of calculus to the study of Newtonian mechanics, fluids, and thermodynamics. Laboratories are designed to enhance lecture topics with attention to safe use of equipment, statistical analysis of data, and the acquisition of skills required in scientific processes. Lecture 3 hours, Laboratory 3 hours. (Laboratory fee required) This course cannot be challenged.
  • PHYS 204 - General Physics II

    (4 hours) Prerequisite: PHYS 203 (grade of “C” or better ). A continuation of Physics 203. The application of calculus to the study of waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and optics. Laboratories are designed to enhance lecture topics with attention to safe use of equipment, statistical analysis of data, and the acquisition skills required in scientific processes. Lecture 3 hours, Laboratory 3 hours. (Laboratory fee required) This course cannot be challenged.
  • PHYS 205 - Elementary Modern Physics

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: PHYS 204 or permission of the instructor. An introduction to special relativity, quantum theory and quantum mechanics, nuclear structure, and statistical distributions.
  • PHYS 333 - Cosmology, Creation and Christianity

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: 12 hours of science credit, including PHYS 201 or 203. In this course students will engage in learning, research and discussion of scientific topics including the creation of the universe, the creation of the earth, requirements for life and the nature of time, and consider how they support and complement a biblical worldview. Students will also consider the scientific problems posed to alternative worldviews. The course will address several current issues, including the role of Christianity in science, the philosophical foundations of naturalism, and the role of Intelligent Design in the science classroom.
  • PHYS 360 - Physics of Robotics

    (4 hours) Prerequisite: Physics 204 (grade of “C” or better).  The application of physics to the analysis, design, and implementation of robotic systems.  Topics include sensors, actuators, mechanics, electronics, power, and computer integration.  Course project consists of the design and implementation of a fully functional robotic application. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. (Laboratory fee required).   This course cannot be challenged.

Political Science

  • POLI 101 - Introduction to Political Science

    (3 hours) An introduction to the study of politics consisting primarily of a survey of dominant political themes including political science methodology, political power, forms of government, political ideologies, public opinion, interest groups, political parties, government structures and functions, public policy, violence and revolution, and international relations.
  • POLI 201 - American National Government

    (3 hours) An introductory study of the nature and functions of American national government, including the origin and development of the Constitution, democracy, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, citizenship, political parties, pressure groups, and elections in the United States.
  • POLI 202 - State and Local Government

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 201. An analysis of the operations and functions of state governments and their local units, particularly the government of South Carolina and its entities.
  • POLI 221 - Introduction to Public Administration

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 201 or 311. An introductory study of public administration in governmental organizations, emphasizing the principles of management and fiscal, personnel, planning, and public practices.
  • POLI 311 - Comparative Politics

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 101. The origin, development, and present operation of major European governments and a study of the major governments and problems of the developing world.
  • POLI 312 - International Relations

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 101. An analysis of the study and conduct of international relations and an examination of the actors and other factors influencing international relations such as perceptions, components of power, economic activity, the use of force, and collective security.
  • POLI 313 - Parties and Interest Groups

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: POLI 201 or 311. An analysis of the role played by political parties and interest groups in the American political process at both the national and local levels.
  • POLI 314 - Political Parties and Public Opinion

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 201 or 311. An analysis of American political parties, nominations, elections and the impact of public opinion on campaigns. This course is offered in fall semesters in even-numbered years. Special emphasis will be on presidential campaigns during presidential election years and on congressional campaigns during other years.
  • POLI 315 - International Conflict

    (3 hours) Prerequisite: POLI 312. An analysis at the system, state/dyadic, and individual levels of analysis of the variables or conditions that cause state to engage in militarized disputes.
  • POLI 316 - Campaigns and Elections

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: POLI 201 or 311. An analysis of political campaigning, nominations, elections, and public opinion. Students will study the impact of elections on our Institutions of government, and learn how to run an effective political campaign. This course is offered in Fall semesters in even-numbered years to correspond with national elections. Special emphasis will be on presidential campaigns during presidential election years and on congressional campaigns during other years.
  • POLI 320 - Politics and Government in Africa

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: POLI 311 or 312. An introduction to the domestic politics of sub-Saharan Africa, explaining the recent rise of both multiparty democracy and state collapse across the continent. The course also examines the colonial legacy, the nature of the African state, ethnic conflict, class divisions, the role of the military and the problems of economic underdevelopment.
  • POLI 322 - Comparative Democratization

    (3 hours) Prerequisites: (This course is recommended only for juniors and seniors and for those who have had POLI 311 or POLI 312.) A study of democratization in historical and comparative perspective.  Investigates factors that facilitate or impede democratic transition, the roles of elites and grassroots mass movements in the process of democratization, problems of ethnic conflict and nationalism in transitions, and such themes as political culture, civil society, political institutions, and the international environment.

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