Mar 13, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid and Financial Information

Charleston Southern University’s financial aid program is designed to help students complete a college education regardless of their financial situation. All students are urged to explore the possibilities for financial assistance offered through the CSU Enrollment Services Office.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

  1. Apply for admission to Charleston Southern University. A financial aid package will be sent to you as soon as possible after you have applied for admission.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at Please read the instructions carefully. This is to determine your eligibility for all types of aid. Be sure to indicate that CSU is to receive an electronic copy of your processed FAFSA. CSU’s federal Title IV code is 003419.

All Financial aid forms are available from the CSU Web site or at The FAFSA must be completed each year; no awards are automatically renewed. You must be enrolled at least part time (3 hours) for graduate students to be eligible. 

How to Check Your Financial Aid Status Online

Step 1: Go to the CSU home page at and go to MY CSU. Financial Aid Online link is located to the left under Quick Links. 

Step 2:  New users must create a new password. Within the Log In box click “first time user”.  You will be prompted to enter your CSU ID Number.  You will then create password questions and will create your Financial Online password.  This password must be at least 5 characters in length.

Find out if your processed FAFSA has been received; if you’ve submitted all required documents; and your CSU financial aid award. Any updates or revisions to your awards can be viewed here as well. 

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Financial aid will not be disbursed until confirmation of student’s attendance to classes has taken place at the end of the drop/add period. Students who have not been recorded as attending class at drop/add will not be eligible for any financial aid, even if attendance takes place after drop/add and tuition charges remain.

Federal Assistance for Graduate Students

Direct Federal Stafford Student Loans & Eligible Amounts-  A federally funded loan program for graduate students enrolled at least part-time status (3 semester hours.) Graduate students may borrow up to $8,500 in Direct Subsidized Stafford loans and up to $12,000 in Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans. A graduate student borrowing may not exceed a total of $20,500 per year. 

Direct Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan - This loan has a fixed interest rate of 4.5%. The interest rate does not accrue while the student is enrolled. There is a six month grace period after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half-time (3 credit hours) before repayment on the loan begins.

Direct Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - The same as a Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan except the interest does accrue while the student is enrolled. The interest has a fixed interest rate of 6.80% and can be paid quarterly or allowed to accrue and be capitalized to the principal. There is a six month grace period after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half-time (3 credit hours) before repayment on the loan begins.

ROTC Scholarships- Available to Graduate students who meet the qualifications designated by the ROTC departments. Scholarship amounts may vary. If you are interested in these programs, contact the specific ROTC department.

South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department Training Assistance- This training assistance is based upon eligibility criteria for services and is not viewed as an entitlement benefit to a student. An eligible student must be an individual with a physical or mental disability which for such individual constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment. The student must also be able to benefit in terms of an employment outcome from the provision of vocational rehabilitation services and requires such services to prepare for, enter into, engage in, or retain gainful employment. Students may seek detailed information about applying and receiving services by contacting the local office of the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department. Students will also need to apply for Federal financial aid or other funding resources prior to being considered for training assistance.

Veterans and Military Programs -

Any student who plans to use VA Educational Benefits should contact the CSU Program Requirement Veterans Services Coordinator. Active duty personnel eligible to use tuition assistance should contact the Education Services Office at the military base where they are stationed. The CSU Veterans Services Coordinator assists students in areas including VA Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31) and Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA, Chapter 35). Sons and daughters of veterans who received the Purple Heart or Medal of Honor should check on educational benefits at For more information visit our campus Veterans Services Office located in the Hunter Center or call (843)863-7050. 

  • Chapter 30 - The Montgomery G.I. Bill. This program provides educational benefits to individuals that served on active duty. A certified copy of your DD214 is required.
  • Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation for Service-Disabled Veterans. This program is for individuals who have a compensable service connected disability, and the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs determines that training and rehabilitation services are needed to overcome an employment handicap.
  • Chapter 32 - Veterans Educational Assistance (VEAP). This is a voluntary contribution matching program for individuals entering service after December 31, 1976.
  • Chapter 33 - Post-9/11 GI Bill. This is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Post-9/11 GI Bill will become effective for training on or after August 1, 2009.
  • Chapter 35 - Dependents Education Assistance Program. This program is for dependents (spouse or children) of individuals who die or are permanently disabled from service connected causes.
  • Chapter 1606 - Montgomery G.I. Bill-Selected Reserve. This program is available to members of the Selected Reserve, including the National Guard. A form DD2384 (NOBE) is required.
  • Chapter 1607 - A Department of Defense education benefit developed to provide benefits for Reservists called to active duty after September 11, 2001 in response to a war or national emergency, as determined by the President or Congress. A member of a reserve component must have served at least 90 consecutive days or more regardless of duty status.

Privately Funded Programs

The CSU School of Business MBA Funded Scholarship

Students do not need to apply for this scholarship. Students must be regular status accepted and enrolled part or full time in the MBA program. Recipients will be selected by the Director of the MBA program with the approval from the Dean of the School of Business.

The Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, Jr., MBA Endowed Scholarship

Students do not need to apply for this scholarship. Student must be accepted into the MBA program as a degree seeking student enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours of graduate work. The student must have earned a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours in previous semesters, while maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Recipient will be selected on the previously mentioned criteria as well as financial need determined by federal guidelines.

The MBA Funded Scholarship

Students do not need to apply for this scholarship. Student must be Regular Status accept and enrolled part or full time in the MBA program. Recipients will be selected by the Director of the MBA program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

In order to be eligible for renewal of financial aid, students must show evidence of satisfactory progress toward graduation. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at Charleston Southern University is defined as successful completion of coursework attempted and progress toward graduation.

Graduate students are required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to receive federal Title IV student financial aid.

  1. Be regularly admitted and enrolled as degree-seeking student AND
  2. Meet CSU graduate program standards (see specific program for details) for continued enrollment by maintaining a 3.0 grade point average AND
  3. Successfully complete a minimum number of credits:
    A student must earn 100 percent of attempted credit hours for each semester in which he/she is enrolled.

Grades of “I,” “F,” “FA,” or any withdrawal grade do not count as successful completion; therefore, would affect future financial aid eligibility.

The academic record of all students receiving financial aid will be reviewed at the end of each spring semester for satisfactory progress; students not meeting minimum requirements will be notified and will have the responsibility of making themselves eligible before the beginning of the next academic year.

There is an appeals process for students with extenuating circumstances. Appeals must be submitted no later than 10 working days after the end of Summer Session II by completing a Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal Form. The form can be downloaded from the CSU website at under Quick Links > Financial Aid > Forms & Downloads.

Appeals are considered on an individual basis, and the student is notified of the committee’s decision. Contact the Enrollment Services Office for additional information.

Graduate Assistantship Guidelines

        Graduate Assistantship Guidelines:

   1.   Each of the four (4) Master’s degree programs (Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Nursing) will be allotted one (1) graduate assistantship per semester. 

  1. Any unused assistantship in one area may not be transferred to another area. The exception is Nursing.  The MBA Graduate Director will nominate one student for an assistantship who will be assigned to the School of Nursing as this is an online program. 
  1. Those chosen to receive graduate assistantships must be given tasks within their respective departments that would merit the assistantship. 
  1. The Chairperson of the Graduate Council will submit the names of those selected to receive assistantships to the Vice President of Enrollment or his/her designee prior to be beginning of each semester. 
  1. For the purposes of financial planning, the amount of the assistantship will be limited to the cost of a traditional graduate course in the appropriate program.  Funds not expended during one term will be available for subsequent terms during any one (1) fiscal year. 
  1. Graduate assistantships begin with the Summer I term each year. 
  1. Graduate assistantships are awarded for up to one (1) year only. Recipients must reapply to be considered for an assistantship the following year. 
  1. Tuition waiver can be granted for a maximum of six (6) graduate credit hours per academic year per student. Total tuition waivers granted an individual student will not exceed the number of credit hours required to obtain the degree. 
  1. No tuition waiver will be granted for undergraduate courses. 
  1. A graduate assistant may not be awarded more than three (3) credit hours during fall or spring semesters, three (3) credit hours in Summer I, three (3) credit hours in Summer II, and three (3) credit hours in Maymester. However, the total hours for one student cannot exceed a total of six (6) credit-hours in one fiscal year. 
  1. If, by the end of the Fall semester, the student does not have a cumulative GPR of 3.00 on graduate coursework or has not received a satisfactory performance evaluation (see Exhibit A attached) from his or her Graduate Assistant Site Supervisor, the student forfeits the graduate assistantship for the Spring, Maymester and Extended Maymester terms. If the student’s cumulative GPR falls below 3.00 at the end of either the Spring, Maymester, or Extended Maymester semester, the graduate assistantship will be canceled.  
  2. If the student withdraws from a course for any reason, he or she may be charged for that course and may not receive a graduate award in the future.

    Eligibility Criteria:

1.      Applications must be received 30 days prior to beginning of the term in which assistance is requested.  

2.      Assistantship awards to a student who applies late will be on a term to term basis and will be contingent on the availability of funds. 

3.      Students holding the bachelor’s degree must be regularly admitted to one of the graduate programs before an assistantship can be awarded. 

4.      A second semester senior undergraduate student may apply for a graduate assistantship for the terms following graduation and assuming the student has been regularly accepted in the graduate program if he or she has met all application requirements except for (1) receiving the bachelor’s degree and/or (2) submitting scores from required tests. In this case, an assistantship may be awarded contingent on successful completion of these requirements.  

5.      Prior to being recommended for an assistantship, an applicant must submit a degree study plan to his or her graduate director showing enrollment for a minimum of three (3) graduate credit hours per term during the academic year. 

6.      For each three (3) credit hour graduate course for which a graduate assistant receives a fee waiver, he or she will be required to work seventy (70) hours for the University in accordance with the provisions of the job description provided by his or her Graduate Assistant Site Supervisor. 

7.      All graduate assistantships are awarded by the Graduate Directors of the respective programs. In addition, Graduate Directors will determine work assignments for their respective departments.  All approved applications will be submitted to the Graduate Council Chair who will then sign and forward the documentation to the Financial Aid Office.

 Application Process:

1.      The student completes the “Student Application for CSU Graduate Assistantship” form and returns it to his or her Graduate Director by May 1st of each year.  

2.      The student’s Graduate Director determines eligibility and submits the paperwork to the Graduate Council Chair. 

3.      Completed applications and approvals are forwarded to the Financial Aid Office which will notify the student of the award. 

Financial Information (Tuition)

Business Office

Payment of Accounts

The registration of a student signifies the assumption of definite and legally enforceable obligations between the University and the student. This includes an agreement by the student to fulfill the financial terms as stated in the catalog. The student agrees to pay all collection costs and/or legal fees incurred in debt collection efforts.

All accounts are due and payable no later than “Registration Day” the week classes begin. The student may not receive an official transcript until all financial obligations are settled. The Business Office will accept VISA, MASTERCARD, and DISCOVER at the cashier window or via the CSU Web site at or through MyCSU. A payment plan, for each major semester, is available at nominal cost to those who enroll in the plan prior to the semester.

Graduate Program Tuition and Fees

Summer Session 2015 - Spring 2016*

Master of Arts in Christian Studies (All terms - per credit hour) 400.00
Master of Education (All terms - per credit hour) 450.00
Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership- On ground and blended (All terms - per credit hour) 500.00
Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership - Online (All terms - per credit hour) 625.00
Master of Science in Computer Science- On ground and online (All terms - per credit hour) 500.00
Master of Science in Criminal Justice (All terms - per credit hour) 500.00
Master of Science in Nursing - Online (All terms - per credit hour) 625.00
Master of Science in Organizational Management - Online (All terms- per credit hour) 625.00

General & Miscellaneous Fees:

Admission Application Fee In Person/Paper (nonrefundable including military) 40.00
Admission Application Fee Online 20.00
Special examinations 30.00
One-time RN to MSN Class/Clinical Fee (assessed summer term) 1000.00
Non MSOM majors enrolled in ePearson graduate course (per course) 250.00
Application for Graduation Fee 115.00
Late submission of Application for Graduation Fee 25.00
Fee to reapply for Graduation 25.00
Laboratory Fee (for all courses with laboratory, physical education activity, art, and other courses specified in catalog) 50.00
Transcript Fee (each copy/request) 5.00
CSU Student I.D. Card Replacement Fee 10.00
Vehicle Permit Fee (Valid from September 1 - August 31) 10.00

*Tuition charges and fees are subject to changes, pending Board of Trustees’ approval.
Current information is deemed to be accurate at the time of this publication. Errors and/or changes are subject to adjustment by the Business Office. 

Additional Online Course Fees

No additional charges such as proctoring or technology fees may be associated with online courses beyond the established price of tuition unless students are otherwise notified.  Students are notified at the time of registration on the course schedule of such fees. Additional notification may include electronic announcements, postings, policy sheets, handbooks, or frequently asked questions  available to  students prior to enrolling in a given course.


Students will be billed according to their tuition classification. Tuition classification will be determined by the student’s official Registration and Change of Schedule forms processed by the Office of the Registrar by the last date to add a class for each term. Bills are posted online through MyCSU. Preliminary bills will be posted at least one week before each major semester begins. Final bills will be posted approximately one week after the last date to drop/add a course. Payment is due no later than Registration Day each academic term.

Refund Checks Issued in Error

The Business Office makes every effort to issue refund checks as quickly as possible. Due to this emphasis, on rare occasions, amounts are refunded in error. The University has the right and will reclaim these funds. Electronic refund is the required method at CSU and students must sign up for this service through MyCSU.  CSU does not have access to this information and therefore cannot take this information directly from the student.  Refunds begin processing after final aid and charges have posted, approximately 3-5 weeks into each semester.


Refunds of tuition are made only for students who formally withdraw from the University, during major semesters, as follows:

  • 100 percent refund for withdrawals through the last date of drop/add. 
  • 25 percent refund for withdrawals between first day after last day to add and end of first quarter of the term. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Demand for residence hall space routinely results in denial of this privilege to some students. Thus, no refund of room fees will be made after the drop/add date. Students who officially withdraw from the residence hall will receive a prorated refund for meals not taken after their withdrawal.

Return of Federal Financial Aid

Federal financial aid funds are awarded with the expectation that students will complete the entire period of enrollment. Students “earn” a percentage of the funds they are disbursed with each day of class attendance. When a student who has received federal financial aid (Title IV funds) leaves school before the end of the semester or period of enrollment, federal law requires the University to calculate the percentage and amount of “unearned” financial aid funds that must be returned to the federal government. This calculation may have the effect of requiring the student to repay funds that have already been disbursed to the student.

Once a student has completed more than 60 percent of the enrollment period, students are considered to have earned all funding received. The university will not reduce the amount owed simply because of the loss of eligibility of financial aid. Thus, withdrawal prior to completion of 60 percent of the semester may result in the student having to pay from personal funds a larger portion of the money owed to the university. Students are urged to consider these financial implications prior to making the decision to withdraw from school.

Returned Check Policy

For each check, paper or online, returned because of insufficient funds or stop payment, a charge of $30.00 will be assessed. The University maintains the right to refuse additional personal checks from (1) any party who cashes or remits to the University, for any reason, a “non sufficient funds” check or (2) any party who places a “stop payment” on a personal check without University approval. This policy will not apply if a statement from the bank, on letterhead stationery, is submitted to the Business Office verifying that the check was returned due to the bank’s error.

Identification Cards

A Charleston Southern University Identification Card (“student I.D.”) is required for all students (new and returning; full-time and part-time). New students are issued Charleston Southern University Identification Cards upon arrival. These cards are necessary for admission to all official school functions, for cashing checks, for using the meal plan, for checking books out of the library, for using University equipment, for buying books from the bookstore, for voting in campus elections and for purchasing tickets for Student Activities concerts. I.D. cards can be replaced for a fee of $10.00.