Mar 06, 2025  
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Master of Education in Secondary Education


The primary goal of the Master of Education programs in Elementary and Secondary Education is to advance the professional growth of competent, caring and committed teachers. Following propositions and procedures established by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the School of Education in collaboration with the other schools and colleges on campus offers programs of study designed to refine teachers’ understanding of their discipline, enhance their classroom teaching skills and encourage their leadership in the larger educational community. Graduates of the program are expected to exhibit a commitment to lifelong learning based on an understanding of how to utilize an ever expanding knowledge base and the evolving nature of best practices to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Additionally, as candidates complete coursework that incorporates the processes of systematic inquiry, reflection and collaboration into class activities and assignments, they are given opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to seek National Board Certification for teachers. While becoming Board Certified is not a requirement for the master’s degree, graduates may choose to pursue it as a personal goal.

Specific standards and performance indicators for the Master of Education in Elementary and Secondary Education are aligned to the NBPTS’s Five Core Propositions as outlined in the CSU Handbook for Master’s in Elementary or Secondary Education. These propositions define what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. Upon completion of their programs of study, candidates will (1) be committed to students and their learning, (2) know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects, (3) be responsible for managing and monitoring student learning, (4) think systematically about their practice and learn from experience, (5) be members of learning societies.

Listed below are the CSU standards and performance indicators for the Master of Education in Elementary and Secondary Education.

1.0 The competent educator demonstrates the knowledge, skills and dispositions to create and manage supportive learning environments that result in expected student achievement. To this end, the accomplished teaching candidate:

1.1 demonstrates a rich understanding of the subject(s) they teach and appreciates how knowledge in subject is created, organized, and linked to other disciplines and applied to real-world settings; develops the critical and analytical capacities of their students.

1.2 commands specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal subject matter to students; articulates its substance, factual information as well as its central organizing concepts, and the ways in which new knowledge is created, including the forms of creative investigation that characterize the work of scholars and artists.

1.3 uses an instructional repertoire that allows candidates to create multiple paths to the subjects they teach and is adept at teaching students how to pose and solve their own problems, uses knowledge of how students develop and learn.

1.4 demonstrates an awareness of the preconceptions and background knowledge that students typically bring to each subject and of strategies and instructional materials that can be of assistance; understands where difficulties are likely to arise and modifies their practice accordingly.

1.5 assesses the progress of individual students as well as that of the class as a whole by employing multiple methods for measuring student growth and understanding; clearly explains student performance to parents; makes data-driven decisions about teaching and learning.

1.6 demonstrates the multiple ways of knowing within a subject and are dedicated to exposing students to different modes of critical thinking and to teaching students to think analytically about content; helps students develop higher-order thinking skills.

1.7 treats students equitably, recognizing the individual differences that distinguish one student from another and taking account of these differences in their practice; adjusts their practice based on observation and knowledge of students’ interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, family circumstances and peer relationships; knows when and how to alter the social and physical organizational structure of the learning environment.

1.8 uses strategies to engage groups of students to ensure a disciplined learning environment and how to organize instruction to allow the school’s goals for students to be met; demonstrates proficiency at setting norms for social interaction among students and between students and teachers; motivates students to learn and how to maintain their interest even in the face of temporary failure.

1.9 uses multiple integrated repertoires as ways to present the subject matter to students through analogies, metaphors, experiments, demonstrations and illustrations, investigations, discovery, lessons; uses resources including knowledge of available curricular resources such as primary sources, models, reproductions, textbook series, teachers’ guides, videotapes, computer software, musical recordings, and technology; teaches for understanding by requiring students to integrate aspects of knowledge into their habits of thinking.

2.0 The caring and reflective educator relates effectively and sensitively to the diverse needs of learners and creates positive and productive learning environment through ongoing inquiry and reflection. To this end, the candidate:

2.1 critically examines their practice, seeks to expand their repertoire, deepen their knowledge, sharpen their judgement and adapt teaching to new findings, ideas and theories.

2.2 demonstrates an awareness of the influence of context and culture on behavior; develops students’ cognitive capacity and their respect for learning; fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation, character, civic responsibility and their respect for individual, cultural, religious and racial differences.

2.3 uses knowledge of how students develop and learn by incorporating the prevailing theories of cognition and intelligence into their practice; uses aligned standards to organize activities and processes.

2.4 acts on knowledge about specialized school and community resources that can be engaged for their students’ benefit and demonstrates skill at employing such resources as needed; finds ways to work collaboratively and creatively with parents, engaging them productively in the work of the school.

3.0 The committed educator pursues learning experiences individually and collaboratively thereby demonstrating a true commitment to the profession and to seeking the best possible educational practices for ensuring success for all students.

3.1 contributes to the effectiveness of the school by working collaboratively with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development; evaluates school progress and the allocation of school resources in light of their understanding of state and local educational objectives.

3.2 models expected dispositions and behaviors exemplifying the virtues they seek to inspire in students–curiosity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, respect for diversity and appreciation of cultural differences–and the capacities that are prerequisites for intellectual growth; the ability to reason and take multiple perspectives to be creative and take risks, and to adopt an experimental and problem solving orientation.

3.3 strengthens their teaching through professional development opportunities, conferences, professional readings, leadership activities.

3.4 demonstrates commitment to learning about new materials including keeping abreast of technological developments that have implications for teaching; draws on their knowledge of human development, subject matter and instruction, and their understanding of their students to make principled judgements about sound practice making decisions not only grounded in the literature, but also in their experience, engages in lifelong learning which they seek to encourage in their students.

Unit Benchmarks

Master of Elementary/Secondary Education

Benchmark 1: Applied to Master of Education Program

The candidate must:

  1. Submit completed application packet to obtain acceptance status
    1. Pay an application fee (non-refundable) must accompany application unless the student has previously attended Charleston Southern University
    2. Submit supporting documents: Hold a baccalaureate degree from an institution approved by a regional accrediting agency and a valid SC Teaching Certificate
    3. Provide two professional letters of recommendation from current or former supervisors
    4. Submit scores on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Miller Analogy Exam (MAT). (Effective August 1, 2008)
    5. GPA of at least 2.75 for the last two years of undergraduate study, and 3.0 GPA of graduate study (if applicable)
    6. Submit official transcripts from ALL institutions where undergraduate and/or graduate courses have been taken. (Official transcripts are those mailed from the school or college directly to Enrollment Services)
    7. Submit a writing sample with provided topic located in application packet (Effective August 1, 2008)
    8. Complete a disposition belief survey located in application packet (Effective August 1, 2008)
  2. Meet with the Director of Graduate Studies to review requirements from Master of Education program and outline the program of study, course sequence of study, prerequisites, benchmarks, potential transfer credits, and obtain copy of program handbook.

Benchmark 2: Preadmission to Master of Education Program

The candidate must:

  1. Complete the Core Courses with a grade point average of 3.0 on the first twelve credit hours at CSU and recommendation by Graduate Director – (EDUC 601 , 611 , 619 , 622 ). Any courses transferred in from other institutions may not count toward the first 4 courses.
  2. Earn a “B” or better in all course Key Assessments.

Benchmark 3: Formal Admission and Progression in Master of Education Program

The candidate must:

  1. Complete the Professional and Special Interest Course Series earning a “B” or better in all course Key Assessments.
  2. Earn an overall GPA of 3.0 on all courses in the degree program the Professional, Content, and Special Interest Course Series.
  3. Complete the capstone course, EDUC 699 , with at least a “B” or better
  4. Meet unit “Emerging Master” Criterion on Dispositions Programmatic Rubric

Benchmark 4: Program Completer

The candidate must:

  1. Complete all degree requirements for the university
  2. Pass the Comprehensive Exam
  3. Obtain official transcript to submit to South Carolina Department of Education

Curriculum Outlines


Master of Education in Secondary Education Total Hours - 36 Hours


Specialized Emphasis: 12 hours from:

The student will select twelve (12) credit hours in one of the following areas:

1. English:

The student will select twelve (12) credit hours in English.

2. Social Studies:

The student will select twelve (12) credit hours from these departments:

Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology.