Foreign Language requirement (3 hours included in Liberal Arts Core above)
Additional hours may be required depending on foreign language placement. Students are required to take:
a) through Foreign Language (FL) 201 Intermediate I (incorporating Arab, Spanish, French, or other languages offered; eg, SPAN 201 , FREN 201 ) if a student starts with no advanced placement or places into 110, 120, or 201, earning a minimum of 3 hours but not to exceed 9 hours;
b) through Foreign Language (FL) 202 (Intermediate II) if the student places higher than FL 201. If a student places higher than 202, the student has completed her/his required FL credit. Note that this placement does not count toward the required 125 hours (may vary according to degree) required of all CSU students.
c) CHST 121 and CHST 122 or CHST 131 and CHST 132 .